Letter: YMCA, RAC claim NCAA coach of the year as their own

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 28, 2021

Todd DeSorbo made headlines in the Salisbury Post sports section Thursday for being awarded CSCAA/NCAA Division 1 Women’s Swimming “Coach of the Year.” Thank you for covering this story.

What’s missing is that Salisbury, and specifically the Rowan Aquatic Club, claim him as our very own. Todd started swimming at age 5 at our local YMCA. He still holds several RAC team records. At least one state swimming official thought I was going to “burn him out” because he was so successful at such a tender age. Todd has always been self-motivated, always goal-oriented and obviously did not burn out!

I had the pleasure of coaching Todd as his first coach, and Nicky Rosenbluth had the joy of coaching him after my retirement.

The Rowan Aquatic Club, the YMCA, coaches, past and current swimmers are proud of Todd and his accomplishments. Something tells me he is celebrating with his team and is already pursuing new goals because, well, that’s Todd!.

Phyllis Steimel
