Library Notes: Extra, Extra! You can get news through Rowan Public Library

Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 23, 2021

By Jim Whalen
Rowan Public Library

With so many ways to get information now, the days of only getting news in print are long gone. While many folks still prefer to get their newspapers delivered to their homes, or come the library and peruse our periodicals section. Many now utilize the internet, which has its own set of concerns. Some people have only one or two trusted and favored sites, such as the Salisbury Post. Others utilize several sources cast a wide net in the search of information both local and worldwide. Information literacy is a hot topic; especially on the internet, which can be very much like the wild, wild West, with very little oversight or accountability when it comes to factual information.

News aggregators are software or websites that compile news stories based on certain parameters. The most common example is Google News. You can view news stories in the categories of U.S., world, business, science, entertainment, etc. Users can also search news stories for specific topics or localities. One problem is the links may go to a site that is not free. Many times the desired article is from Wall Street Journal or New York Times, both of which may provide a few initial free articles, but then require a paid subscription.

Many people get frustrated by the addition of subscription requirements on the websites of news sources. The past years have been very hard on the news publishing industries. Between 2004 and 2014, 1,800 newspapers, as well as many magazines closed, as people started going online for their news instead of print. But for some national newspapers, there is another option. Both the Wall Street Journal and New York Times are on NC LIVE and can be accessed free with your Rowan Public Library card number and PIN. You can read those papers from the comfort of your home. Rowan Public Library patrons can also access many magazines for free through the North Carolina Digital Library. They are always available and easy to read in their entirety. Log on our website, and enjoy a relaxing time with your pleasure reading. If you have questions about information literacy, and how to evaluate information or websites you find online, or if you have questions about accessing digital resources, RPL librarians are here to assist.

Jim Whalen is an employee at Rowan Public Library.