Letter: Truth about critical race theory

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 1, 2021

For those who attack critical race theory, truth matters, even when it makes you uncomfortable or ashamed.

You should “blame cotton” for the shortcomings in your education — this purposeful twisting of truth to maintain the United States caste system. Realize that from its inception prostitution of the truth is the go-to modus operandi of America’s “one percent.”

Acknowledgement of the complete history of the United States is the first step. This country’s wealth was accumulated on backs of the enslaved. There are distinct points where the abolition of slavery was possible. Public policy ensured that formerly enslaved and their descendants would occupy the lowest rung of the caste. The United States has not lived up to its stated goals. Understand that race is social, not biological or living by “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable …”

Redress is next; it is not a new concept. Restoration, central to Judeo Christian ethics, is apparent to those “who diligently seek him.” There are multiple reparations examples, including indentured servants under “the head right system.” Britain paid restorations through the “Slavery Reparations Act.” France was paid reparations by the Haitians, impoverishing them till this day. Isn’t it ironic that the formerly enslaved were forced to repay the enslavers?

Slave holders received $300 per emancipated enslaved body in Washington, D.C. under the “Compensated Emancipation Act.” Proceeds from the labor of the enslaved were restored to enslavers.

Closure is the final step. We must move forward together to survive as a country and realize the fullness of our democracy, reaching agreement that the descendants of the enslaved are still systematically saddled with the sin of the United States. When you buy or inherit an old house, the repairs are your responsibility.

— Michael Stringer
