Danelle Cutting column: No need to steal plants from Hurley Park
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 27, 2021
By Danelle Cutting
Hurley Park
There are always lessons to be learned especially when working in a park filled with numerous garden beds. You constantly try to change things up, plant new varieties, or figure out new/better ways to tackle pests and disease. But one lesson that has been hard is how to handle things when someone decides to take your hard work.
Hurley Park has many beautiful gardens, native and exotic flora, unique specimens, majestic trees and gorgeous structures. Many visitors ask us for the names of plants and where they can find them and we are always willing to give our sources, how best to care for them and when is the best time to plant. Every year we also do a large plant giveaway and always have plenty more plants to give out in the weeks after our lecture.
What I am writing about is that we have spent many hours planting and tending to our plants and it is often disheartening that we are the victims of vicious plant thefts. This is an issue we felt our readers should be made aware of in hopes to help us educate everyone on why they should leave the plants where they are and in turn inform everyone how to get free plants.
We have been working tirelessly to replace many of our plants/trees that have aged out, died, or have been riddled with disease and need new replacements. It is heartbreaking to spend so much time and effort sourcing the plants, planting them, and then trying to get them established only to return and find a gaping hole where you had sacrificed so much. Not only is it hard to overcome the care you have given to them, it is tough for our bank account. It is not every year we can replace so many of our beloved plants to the theft we are now witnessing.
Our plea to the public is please visit and enjoy Hurley Park but leave the plants where they are. If you would like some cuttings to start your own or if you would like some of our divisions, bulbs, etc. contact us and we can work together to get you some beautiful plants. We are a friendly neighbor and enjoy giving out plants freely to those who ask.
As always we love visitors coming to the park and encourage everyone to not take the plants so others can enjoy the beautiful scenery. If you have any questions about the park or what is going on, please give us a call at 704-638-4459, or contact us on Facebook or Instagram @HurleyParkNC. If you would like to donate to Hurley Park, visit our website at salisburync.gov/hurleypark.
Danelle Cutting is manager of Hurley Park.