Spencer Library hosts life pathways event
Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 21, 2021
SPENCER — A pair of student groups from Essie Academy and North Rowan Middle School spent some time at Spencer Public Library on Tuesday learning about music, art, law enforcement and education.
Lady Sara Paris, world traveler, artist, poet and dramatist and recent transplant to Spencer, shared her philosophy of art with the students. Examples of her art that she displayed were a giant rose and a portrait of her dog. After Lady Sara’s purchase of a vintage theater, dating from the 1930s on Fifth Street in Spencer, she discussed her plans of restoring life and art to this iconic spot.
Teresa Moore-Mitchell, a Livingstone College music professor, opera singer and concert vocalist, sang several operatic portions in Italian, French and German. She explained how her love of music and professional training opened up many doors of opportunity to travel the world and meet many famous people.
Rebecca Stinson, author and blues and jazz artist, has been well-known in the Salisbury and China Grove area for her piano and voice work. She sang a few lines of a song which showed the emotions of sadness over losing a loved one in the blues tradition. The library hopes to invite her back for a more extended concert for its Black History Month events.
Two veteran teachers of the North area, Patti and Melissa Secreast, shared their love of students and teaching in our second sessions. Patti, a retired educator, is the town mayor pro-tem and Melissa teaches the upper grade at Essie Academy in East Spencer.
A highlight for the seventh-grade students was the attendance of four Spencer police officers, Chief Michael James, officer-in-training Philip Brown, Sgt. Brian Leonard and North High School Resource Officer Caleb Smith.
Brown shared his desire to be a superhero as a kid which later translated to his career path in law enforcement.
Even though he played football as a teen, he urged the young men in the room to always use this as a means to further education and achieve more realistic goals. He told them only a small percentage of football stars make it to the NFL. The highlight after our lunch break was sitting in the police car and listening to the police sirens.
The final session before the buses had to leave was Betty Sedberry, local historic landmark artist.
The next event at the library will be open to parents, children, teachers and interested patrons as it hosts two children’s authors, Dicey McCullough and Sherri Kepley.
Both women have written new books which they will share with the audience and sign purchased books. Refreshments will be served as well. The event will run 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 16. The age range for these books start at the age of 3 and will interest older elementary students. Please RSVP by calling the library phone at 704-636-9072.