Library Notes: Digital materials available at OverDrive media station
Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 28, 2021
By Amber L. Covington
Rowan Public Library
SALISBURY — Digital library users are familiar with OverDrive and the vast collection of titles available for Rowan Public Library readers.
OverDrive is widely known as the leading platform that provides access to digital collections for public libraries through the Libby app on mobile devices.
Our library branches are outfitted with a kiosk designed to display digital materials available for checkout.
OverDrive Media Stations allow users to search the NC Digital Library collection at each library without needing any additional devices to locate a title of interest.
The OverDrive Media Station is a touch screen kiosk available to all library users. The console makes it easier to preview titles and send checkout information via text, email, or QR code to a personal device.
By using your fingertips, it is easy to navigate the kiosk screen and type in title information within the search bar.
Each station displays an image of a selected title cover, a short sample to preview and suggests similar titles based on the completed search.
If you love browsing library shelves, the kiosk is another way to review book covers and compare bibliographic information with potential new reads.
Visit an OverDrive Media Station today at your nearest branch. If you need assistance with downloading Libby to access your new checkouts, ask nearby library staff or call 704-216-8243.
Amber Covington, technical services supervisor at Rowan Public Library.