Letter: Mike Caskey will chart course for future

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 3, 2022

Now is a very important time in our county’s future. One that will decide the course of our county for the current generation and generations to come. One that will chart the course for the future of police protection of Rowan County as we face continued growth and change. Now is the time to elect a candidate of vision for the office of sheriff…Mike Caskey.

Mike Caskey is a Patrol Training Officer for Charlotte-Mecklenberg Metro Division which oversees the highest crime area of the county. Mike holds an undergraduate degree from Catawba College in Information Systems and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Montreat College. Mike is a graduate of the Charlotte-Mecklenberg Police Academy and graduated from the Public Safety Leadership Institute of Central Piedmont Community College. Mike also has 10 years in the Army Reserves and National Guard. He is a member of the Harold Jarrett Legion Post 342 and AMVET Post 845.

Mike Caskey has plans for the office of sheriff…reducing call times by having full time warrant squad and keeping deputies in their response areas and adding an additional response area for the county. Mike believes there should be a 1, 5 and 10 year plans for staffing the department in our ever changing county. He believes that the office should apply for grants available thru the NC Highway Patrol and private enterprise thus not putting the full burden of the operations budget on the taxpayers. Mike is a firm believer in using technology advancements to assist with policing and training. He plans to build better relationships with all the towns and cities of the county and also the Community Watch Program. Mike believes in providing training and better opportunities for all employees of the department.

Join me today in supporting Mike Caskey for Sheriff of Rowan County in the upcoming primary election. Mike Caskey is truly an individual that puts service above self!

— Kyle Huffman
