Trinity Presbyterian to celebrate Women’s Day

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 13, 2022

Trinity Presbyterian Church will celebrate Women’s Day on Sunday, Oct. 16, at the 11 a.m. service. The church invites the community to hear guest speaker Rev. Dr. Ethel Bamberg-Revis. The theme is “The Joy of Women.” Trinity Presbyterian is located at 300 S. Caldwell St. in Salisbury.

Bamberg-Revis is an associate minister at Soldiers Memorial, A. M. E. Zion Church and is a recent retiree from the W.G. (Bill) Hefner V. A. Medical Center in Salisbury, where she served under special appointment. She was privileged to serve the nation’s veterans scarred by the scourge of war in different capacities.

Bamberg-Revis is a native of New Jersey. She was educated in the Newark Public School System. She is an avid learner excelling in academic endeavors. She graduated from all levels of her educational pursuits with honors; undergraduate, graduate and doctorate.

Her motto is, “With all I have been given and all I have attained, it is dross if it cannot enable me to lift the fallen, give hope to the despairing, walk beside the weak and dying, and throw out a lifeline to rescue the perishing in their perils to find meaning and hope to persevere in a troubled world.”

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