Letters to the editor: Oct. 27

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 27, 2022

Vote for what you know  is right

Democracy is on the line. Please vote for our country and all our people. COVID ravaged our country and others. Inflation came to us and all countries, but like all economic concerns it will change.

Those who are not patriots attacked our country on Jan. 6. Morals and decency left this country when Trump and his cohorts ran it. Why would you prefer hate and fear to run your lives? Why would you prefer lies over truth?

Biden is not perfect but he does try to help the American people. Job growth is great and so is the unemployment rate. Trump helped himself and he cares nothing for this country.

The rich got the greatest tax break ever, not the middle class or poor. His line was blame everyone but him. Biden had to come in and fix all his mistakes and a recession.

If you let the other party back in, law and order is dead. They did not care that the election was legit. They just let the big lie run and run just like other conspiracies they push, QAnon lies.

Their agenda is to make voting hard for anyone but them. They want forced religion. They want to get rid of Social Security , healthcare, Medicare, women’s rights and their right to take care of their own bodies. They cause hysteria over immigration. Have they ever fixed the problems when they have had power? No. They just spread the lies and those who want to believe them pass them on. I am tired of the hate and the lies.

Please vote them out and elect those who will do for all the people and not their rich donors. America is a great country for all and not the select few who want to be dictators. We are a diverse nation and our Congress should be. When the Capitol police were begging for help, Trump dd not respond until too late because it was his insurrection.

Our government has its checks and balances and all should be held accountable to the laws of this land. No one is above it, Republican or Democrat.

Vote because it is your civic duty as a citizen. Vote for what you know is right. Prayers for all.

— Brenda H. Poole


A short memory on taking back the country

Ronnie Smith has a short memory (Salisbury Post Oct. 25). We Americans already voted to take back our country. It happened on Election Day, Nov. 3, 2020. That vote was ratified by Congress on Jan. 6, 2021.

We the people returned normalcy and decency to the presidency. We brought back an America that supports its allies, builds jobs, invests in clean energy and repairs its highways. We voted for quiet, sensible leadership without the rancor, deceit and sheer incompetence of the Trump administration.

To keep the America we took back in 2020, vote for Democrats this fall.

— Pete Prunkl


Cooper was wrong on COVID policies

Gov. Roy Cooper and school boards across the state must be proud of the latest reports showing how their draconian COVID policies failed miserably.

Student test scores, as expected, continue to suffer tremendously … but, that’s just the beginning. Cooper ensured state ABC stores and Walmart stores stayed open throughout COVID, but not schools.

Cooper bought into Fraudulent Fauci, the exposed CDC and corrupt teacher unions hook, line and sinker. Instead of leading, he followed without question and students have paid a serious price as a result.

— Floyd Prophet
