Christmas Happiness Fund surpasses last year’s total
Published 12:05 am Thursday, December 22, 2022
As Christmas grows ever closer, we all begin to feel the need to share what we have with those less fortunate, and The Salvation Army, the United Way and the Salisbury Post are incredibly grateful for all who have contributed to the annual Christmas Happiness Fund. The fund allows families who might otherwise be unable to provide a Christmas for their children to do so, and it fills both giver and recipient with the joy of the season, as well as a reminder of the love the holiday is all about.
If you’d like to help, bring contributions to the Salisbury Post, located at 131 West Innes St., weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or mail to Christmas Happiness, c/o Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145. Checks can be made payable to Christmas Happiness Fund and donations can also be placed in the Salisbury Post front door mail slot.
The most recent donations include:
• In honor of Carolyn Rogers, by anonymous — $112.08
• In memory of Butler and Dorothy Weddington and in honor of John, Jane and Gail, by Sue Weddington — $100
• In memory of our beloved uncle and friend Justin Monroe and our Paw-Paw and friend Eddie Monroe, by Caroline and Rob Monroe and Abby and Corbin Smith — $40
• In memory of our parents Harry and Irene Rinehardt, Terry and Mary Ann Sifford and in lieu of Christmas cards to our friends and family, by Tim and Janie Sifford — $100
• This is such a difficult time we are going through. Please care for each other. In loving memory of Boyd Moon, Bill and Melda Killion, Jim Killion and so many others. I am so thankful for remaining family: Heather Broome, Alexis and Blake Locklear and Brittany Lynch. Wish I could give more, by Peggy Moon — $50
• In loving memory of Lettie Mabry and Leslie Tucker, by Linda and Terry Thomas — $100
• In honor and memory of all our loyal customers, by Godley’s Garden Center — $500
• In memory of Michael Daniel, David Karns and Jason Nance, by Delores Daniel — $60
• In memory of Margaret Linker, by the Wednesday Ya Yas — $100
• In honor of our Sunday school teacher Billy Goodman at Immanuel Lutheran Church, by Gary and Brenda Rummage — $50
• In loving memory of my parents James and Georgia Ryan and my brothers Jimmy and Mike, by Kathy R. Stoessel — $25
• In memory of Tom Barer and in honor of family, by Loretta Barber — $50
• In honor of the caring staff at Davita Dialysis Salisbury, by Loretta Barber — $50
• In honor of the teachers at Overton, Knox and Salisbury High, by Hannah and Anne Claire — $200
• In honor of Jaxson, Cori Beth, Anders, Brooks and Allie, by Pap and Mamaw Thompson — $300
• In memory of Bill Fisher and George Benson, by The Henleys — $100
• In honor of Jeff Campbell, Grady and Julie love and Wesley and Alisha Thompson, by Mom and Dad Thompson — $150
• In honor of Gary, Alex and Julie Kenny; Dorothy Atkinson and Rick Anderson, by Ott and Julie Pinkston — $75
• In memory of Jerry McKinnon and Larry Campbell, by Ellis Smith — $100
• Women of the Moose — $50
• In memory of Dermot and Katharyn Weaver, Ned and Ilene Norris and Mark Norris, by Eric, Kathy, Erin, Kristen, Jonathan, Zack and Tyson — $100
• In loving memory of Marian M. White, Harvey M. White Sr. and Harvey M. White Jr. by Fonda Kirk, Cheryl and Mark Smyre and Bonita and Chester Robinson — $100
• In honor of Gladys, Dave, Eric, Leah, Claire and Catherine, by Ricahrd and Gladys Dillon — $250
• In honor of the wonderful Tuesday, Thursday 3:50 Ladies, by Greer Lampert — $25
• In honor of Jean Peeler, founder, by Rowan Doll Society — $73
• In honor of Pamela Welch for many kindnesses throughout the year, by Sandra Cody — $25
• In honor of the Cardio Pulmonary Rehab Unit staff at Novant Rowan Hospital, by Gavine Pitner — $200
• In honor of the dedicated staff past and present of Rowan Vocational Opportunities, by Barry Stokes — $50
• Harold B. Poole Jr. — $50
• Mary Ellen H. Turner — $100
Running total — $40,550.60