Preview: Upcoming Salisbury City Council meeting rescheduled

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 4, 2023

SALISBURY — Due to Election Day taking place on the same day as their regularly scheduled meeting, the Salisbury City Council has decided to reschedule their upcoming meeting for the following day. The meeting will now be on Wednesday, Nov. 8, at the city hall building at 6 p.m.

Here are the agenda items that will be discussed:

  • Council to recognize Downtown Development Director Sada Troutman for being named to Business North Carolina’s 2023 Trailblazer List.
  • Council to recognize Event Coordinator Vivian Koontz for receiving the certified festival events executive certification and Recreation Program Supervisor Megan Simpson for receiving the certified pool and spa operator certification.
  • Mayor Karen Alexander to proclaim the following observances: Veterans Day for Nov. 11, 2023; International Survivors Of Suicide Loss Day for Nov. 18, 2023; Transgender Day of Remembrance for Nov. 20, 2023; Indian and Native American Month for the month of Nov.; Survivors of Homicide Victims Awareness Month for Nov. 20–Dec. 20, 2023.
  • Council to receive public comment. Anyone who wishes to speak by Zoom must sign up before 5 p.m. by contacting Connie Snyder at Anyone who wishes to speak in person can sign up in council chambers. Residents who are unable to speak during the meeting may submit written comments to the email above and they will be shared with council.
  • City Attorney Graham Corriher will give a presentation to council asking them to consider adopting an ordinance approving an annexation agreement with the town of Granite Quarry. There will be a public hearing regarding this matter.
  • Planning and Neighborhoods Director Hannah Jacobson will give a presentation asking council to award a contract to Downtown Salisbury, Inc. in the approximate amount of $142,000 (or the amount estimated from municipal service district taxes received for the fiscal year 2023-2024) for Main Street program services within the municipal service district. There will be a public hearing regarding this matter.
  • City Engineer Wendy Brindle will present to council the updated Draft Uniform Construction Standards Manual for review and comment.
  • Salisbury-Rowan Utilities Director Jim Behmer will ask council to consider authorizing the city manager to execute a contract renewal with Atlantic Coast Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,550,000 for construction related to the sanitary sewer rehabilitation project–contract 2.
  • Police Chief Patrick “P.J.” Smith will ask council to consider approving an update to the employee pay grade and classification schedule to add two positions and reestablish two positions previously included for the police department.