Letter to the editor — Nov. 7

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Blockwork: City officials and neighbors working to improve Salisbury

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who participated in this year’s Blockwork on Lloyd Street. It is a truly wonderful thing to see neighbors helping neighbors make the city a little nicer, prettier place. Many people volunteered and put in a solid day’s work. I encourage readers to ride through the 200 block to see the results. I also want to recognize the efforts of the city officials who made it happen. Jennifer Pfaff, Emily Vanek, Malikia Cherubala, Hannah Jacobson and especially Alyssa Nelson, who has worked tirelessly each year for the last seven years to make Blockwork such a success. The residents of Salisbury are lucky to have this talented, dedicated team of professionals.

— Jason Young