Domestic dispute call devolves into police standoff

Published 12:05 am Wednesday, January 31, 2024

SALISBURY — Police arrested a man after a domestic dispute call turned into a standoff between the man and authorities.

Deputies were dispatched to a home in the 700 block of Playground Road at approximately noon on Monday in reference to an ongoing domestic dispute, according to a spokesperson with the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office. Dispatch notified deputies that the caller said that the man inside the home had pointed a gun at the victim and was tearing up the residence. When deputies arrived on scene, they asked the victim to get into the car to separate her from the man.

The victim informed deputies that she had been hit in the face by the man and confirmed that he had a handgun with him inside the home, the spokesperson said. Deputies remained outside the building and attempted to order the man to come outside.

At one point during the standoff, the victim jumped out of the deputy’s car and ran inside the home. Minutes later, she came back outside and told deputies that the man had run out the back door, the spokesperson said.

The man then allegedly stepped out onto the front porch and yelled at the deputies before going back inside the house. Deputies reportedly continued to attempt to talk to the man and get him to leave the building. At some point, the man allegedly stepped into his fenced-in backyard with three dogs and continued to yell at the deputies.

Because the dogs appeared to be aggressive, the deputies chose not to enter the fence and commanded the man to walk towards the deputies and place his hands behind his back, which he ignored, according to the spokesperson. While he was outside, deputies did not see any signs of him having a firearm.

The man then began to move back towards the house. Due to his alleged erratic behavior and the report that there was a gun in the house, deputies tased him. The man then took off running towards the home, at which point deputies jumped the fence and chased him, the spokesperson said. The man was able to shut the door and locked it, at which point deputies kicked it down and arrested the man.

Adam Lee Fletcher, 25, was charged with assault on a female, assault by pointing a gun and restricting, obstructing or delaying an officer. Fletcher was placed in the Rowan County Detention Center without an initial bond due to the charges being related to a domestic incident.