Doug Creamer: Family gatherings

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 6, 2024

By Doug Creamer

Last weekend was Easter, and my family gathers at my brother’s house each year. They make getting together such a memorable time. There is always plenty of great food and plenty of places to sit and enjoy it with family. The extra bonus last weekend was the wonderful weather. It was a stunning spring day.

After we ate, the adults began “hiding” the Easter eggs. There were so many plastic eggs that many of them were out in plain sight. I saw my brother with the ladder out and wondered if he was hiding eggs on the roof. He was actually retrieving a toy plane, which he had to retrieve again later in the day. There were a few eggs placed high in the V of a tree. One of my nephews held a child high in the air to get them down. Wish someone had caught a picture of that.

The fun part of the Easter egg hunt is that it is not just for kids. Everyone from the toddlers to the patriarchs in their 90s was moving as fast as they were capable to collect as many eggs as possible. The plastic eggs contained both candy and play money. The play money was turned in for fun prizes. Both the adults and kids clamored for the best ones. The laughter and the joy echoed through the air like a welcome spring breeze.

The gathering began to wind down as various ones began to head for home. The clean-up went quickly, as many hands make light work. Family gatherings always seem to go by fast. As I drove home I was kept company by the sounds of laughter and the new memories that will be tucked away like buried treasure. Another holiday gathering for the record books.

Here I sit a few days after our family gathering, still nursing the memories of the conversations with nephews who are growing a business and another who is starting a new career. It is interesting to hear how some nieces are navigating careers while others are dealing with the joys of motherhood. It was fun to talk with siblings who are about to retire and those who wonder if they will ever retire. It was fun to watch the patriarchs as they enjoyed their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren spending the afternoon together.

I thought about the family members who couldn’t make it to this gathering. I wonder how they are doing. It is impossible for entire families to gather when many live so far away and have other family commitments. I find myself wondering how they are doing and hoping they are surviving the ups, downs and challenges of life.

Family gatherings are important here on earth. I try to make as many as possible but I have missed a few over the years. I believe that there are family gatherings every time a loved one passes and joins their family waiting for them in heaven. It must be a great celebration with wonderful food and lots of laughter and conversation. There will be lots of old stories swapped. None of the conversations will revolve around future doctor visits, aches and pains or lack of hearing.

There is one catch. Not everyone will be at these heavenly gatherings. In order to attend these great reunions you have to be a member of the family of God. The invitation is available for everyone to attend, but some never sent back their acceptance letter. The acceptance involves asking Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. That’s the ticket. God wants every human being on earth to be there, but He lets that be our choice. We choose to accept His invitation or we decide by default not to be there for these wonderful family gatherings. The choice is ours.

There are many people that I am looking forward to seeing when I arrive for my banquet. I encourage you to make the most important decision of your life, to accept God’s invitation to come to heaven. No one can do it for you. It’s up to you. I want to see you in heaven so make the decision today. You don’t have to fix your life. Jesus is an expert at helping you because He has helped many others before you. You haven’t strayed too far. The Bible is full of people who have done terrible things and yet found forgiveness and acceptance in Jesus’ embrace. That same acceptance is available to you without any cost. I am not sure what I will eat first; I am mainly looking forward to the gathering of family and friends!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

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