SA Upper School students demonstrate learning, growth at exhibition nights

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 18, 2024

SALISBURY — Salisbury Academy Upper School students are demonstrating their learning in unique ways at their periodic Exhibition Nights at their Downtown Salisbury campus. At each event, students present and share in detail about exhibits they’ve created, showcasing their growth and depth of learning.

“We’re showing the world what high school can be. It really is incredible to see what these students are capable of and how much they’ve accomplished,” English teacher Sergio Ossorio said.

At their most recent Exhibition Night, students presented original poems in sonnet, free verse and Haiku and gave TED Talks inspiring positive change. The campus came to life as students and faculty shared about the variety of authentic learning connections that take place each day at the school.

The SA Upper School Junior Civitans incorporated a service project into the evening, and visitors were invited to pack a hygiene bag and write a statement of affirmation for Communities in Schools students as part of The Confidence Project. Providing refreshments for the evening, environmental science students prepared appetizer dishes using food that is fresh, organic and locally sourced.

“Exhibition Nights are really energizing and provide me with opportunities to go outside my comfort zone and present my work to the world,” ninth-grader Levi Holman said. “Most recently, I got to play handbells for an audience and read my poems at Exhibition Night. These interactions enable me to talk with the audience and ultimately achieve my goal of becoming a confident communicator.” 

Other key elements of the most recent Exhibition Night included math demonstrations, such as one in which students used trigonometry and shadows to calculate the height of area landmarks such as the Bell Tower. Another exhibit demonstrated the calculation of gear ratios on a real-life bicycle.

Ninth-grader Jacob Bardinas shared that a key takeaway from Exhibition Nights, for him, is learning how to prepare extensively in order to deliver a strong performance.

“It kept my mind in high gear, writing my poem for my American literature class and knowing that ultimately I’d be presenting it to an audience,” said Bardinas.

Up next at the Salisbury Academy Upper School, interested families and community members curious to visit the space are invited to a drop-in Upper School Open House on Monday, April 29, from 8-9 a.m. at 316 Depot Street in Downtown Salisbury. Visitors may enjoy coffee, doughnuts, and a tour of the school. No R.S.V.P. required. To learn more, contact SA Director of Admission Allison Doby at