Doug Creamer: Repairing brokenness

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 8, 2024

By Doug Creamer

This past week, a large tree limb fell on my storage building. At first, there appeared to be minor damage, but it ended up being something a bit more. I could see two branches sticking through the roof, but there were two additional holes that needed repair. As the limb fell, it broke off a piece of the overhang and tore off the soffit on the side leading up to the peak.

One thing we could not see until the workers got here was that the soffit along the front overhang of the shed had also been loosened where it connects to the header. The challenge was reconnecting this piece without taking off the roof. I was trying to keep the repairs costs down because I am going to need a new roof on both my house and the shed in a few years.

A former colleague from East Davidson told me that a former student of ours had begun a roofing business. I reached out to her and sent her some pictures of the damage. She thought her company could fix my roof for a reasonable price. She offered me two estimates based on different criteria. Once she and her husband saw the damage first hand it became a little less clear how the repairs could be made without extensive work. The term extensive work means much more expensive.

Her husband came down the next day and worked patiently, persistently, with precision to repair the damage. It took him much longer than we imagined. I knew the extra labor would mean some extra bucks but in the end they were very fair in what they charged me. There are a couple of things I need to do to finish up, but I am glad it is fixed and dry inside.

While her husband was up on the roof working on repairs, I was enjoying the quiet afternoon working in my garden. It was so peaceful and the presence of the Lord was sweet as He assured me that everything would be all right. I was able to hill up the potatoes, thin and hill up the corn, plant a few things and get some weeding done. I was glad that I got to do some things I wanted to get done while my roof was being repaired.

It also gave me the opportunity to think about other areas of life where we might need to repair brokenness. Many people have broken relationships. Divorce creates brokenness between parents and children. Broken homes create many different kinds of broken relationships that take time and effort to repair. Relationships between employer and employee can fracture over many issues and require each party to apply effort to restore the brokenness.

I am grateful and thankful that I have a number of good friends. Some friends are colleagues or former colleagues. Some are friendships built over time because they are neighbors or friends from church. We make time for each other whether it’s texting, calling or sharing a meal together. But even friends can be divided over time, distance or changes in the way we think. The Bible teaches us that Satan seeks to divide and separate even friendships, but godly friends will work to find ways to maintain the unity that Jesus desires.

Brokenness can even enter our relationship with God. It is hard to imagine that people would give up on church and God but they do. God created people to have fellowship with Him. Our main purpose is to develop that relationship with God. Whether it is distraction, anger, hurtfulness, sin or unanswered questions, God doesn’t want you to stay away. He sent His Son to help us reconnect and repair that brokenness. The way to reconnect with God is to turn away from your choices and ask God to forgive you. Jesus opens the door for grace, mercy, forgiveness and peace. It’s free just for the asking.

I want to encourage you to consider your relationship with God. If you have let it slide or you have neglected it for whatever reason, then now is the time to repair the broken relationship. Turn your heart back to God and let His love and forgiveness wash you clean. There is no sin so great that can separate you from God’s love. Maybe you don’t understand everything going on in the world today; that’s OK. That’s why you need faith and trust in God. His arms are open for you. His heart calls out your name. Turn to Him and let Him repair the brokenness. He wants to connect with you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

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