Doug Creamer: Water

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 22, 2024

By Doug Creamer

I just looked out the window and noticed that things are looking a little dry. We watered everything just a couple of days ago, but it looks like we need to water again. We are in a dry spell, and with hot temperatures expected from now through the 4th of July holiday, we will need to keep a close eye on the potted plants. The raised beds out back are doing a little better, but they are thirsty, too.

A friend asked how my garden was doing. Things are coming along well. I am not going to be getting many beans, as the rabbits have eaten the plants even though I planted seeds several times. The tomatoes are coming along but there won’t be any for the 4th. Other things are growing well, but I think I could use some fertilizer. I think the garden should be a little farther along, but maybe that’s me being impatient.

Speaking of the 4th, I am looking forward to our annual family gathering. My brother hosts the gathering and you never know who might show up. There will be little toddlers to the elderly patriarchs gathering to celebrate family, friends, and of course, our nation’s birthday. I eagerly await the food, laughter and joyful celebration.

We used to host the family gathering on the 4th many years ago. My adult nieces and nephews were young kids and they loved going over to the Faith Fourth Celebration. After we came back, there was always a water fight. It started out simply with squirt guns and water balloons, but would eventually become hose fights. One year, I thought I would outsmart my brother and climb up on the roof and attack him from above. I didn’t think about him taking my ladder away, thus trapping me on the hot roof with no water supply. His kids have never forgotten those good times.

Summer seems to revolve around having fun and water. Many have already or will soon be heading to the beach for a refreshing getaway. Others will be going to local pools, or if they are lucky, jumping into one in their own back yard. I have always preferred swimming in pools to the ocean. I love being near the ocean and even allowing the waves to wash up on my legs. I prefer to allow the animals to swim in the ocean while I stay safely on the shore.

I am hoping I will get to see the Chesapeake Bay when I visit my sister soon. The last couple of summers I have visited her, we have either walked the beach or sat out by the water and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon together. The water has a way of calling to us. We have fun and can relax when we are near water. It has a way of refreshing and renewing us.

Summer invites us to rest and relax, and often we do that near water. We need that sense of renewal mentally and we need it spiritually, too. We need to slow down and spend some time in quiet reflection with Him. We need to gauge where we are and where we need to be going. When we can disengage our minds from daily routines and the hassles of life, we can engage with our spiritual life.

If we are honest with each other we could all use a refreshing swim in the water of His Spirit. We need to be washed and cleansed from all the things of this world. This is not our home or our destination. We need to wash our eyes from all the distractions of this world and refocus our vision on heaven. Who wouldn’t want to take a deep drink of God’s heavenly waters and receive the refreshment that comes from being in His presence? I want that sense of renewal to invigorate my spirit, that water from heaven’s river to touch and renew me.

As we step into summer and all the wonderful times ahead, take time to be in His presence and allow your spirit to be refreshed. There are always going to be hot, dry times, so take advantage of your vacation time to connect with your Creator and drink from the water of His presence. He wants to refresh and invigorate your spirit. He wants your vision to be renewed. He wants to reveal the path to His heart to you. He, the God who created the entire universe, wants to spend time with you. I encourage you to connect with Him and allow the water of His presence to fill and refresh you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

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