Letter to the editor: June 30

Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 30, 2024

Vote for pro-public education candidates

I am writing on behalf of the Rowan Retired School Personnel. All of our members are retired educators who have dedicated their lifetime careers to serving in the public schools of this area, not just in Rowan-Salisbury. I think that the majority would agree with me, that public education is the primary foundation and a necessity for a democratic society. All people are deserving of a good education. During the 1980s, teacher pay was frozen from year to year which in the long run has affected the retirement we receive today and our Social Security benefits as well. Worse than that, vouchers are being given to private institutions which do not have to follow guidelines established by the state that public schools must follow. Money is given to private institutions, but if the student returns to public schools, maybe because of behavior issues, the money does not go back to the public school. It is imperative that all educators, male and female, past and present, vote for pro-public education candidates in November. Those include Attorney General Josh Stein for governor, Senator Rachel Hunt for Lt. governor, U.S. Representative Jeff Jackson for attorney general, N.C. Representative Wesley Harris for treasurer and Maurice “Mo” Green for superintendent of public education. If you believe in a democracy where all are treated fairly and equally, please speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves, our students.

— Lila Bostian,
President, Rowan Retired School Personnel