Letters to the editor — July 2

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Trump’s lies still matter

Rowan County Democratic Party believes in being honest and transparent. As RCDP chair, this is my response to the presidential debate on 6/27/24 to all Rowan voters.

I was disappointed. This was not the Joe Biden I expected. His performance on stage certainly did not reflect his job performance. Personally, I rate job performance as more important than stage performance and I expected to hear Democrats responding loudly and passionately.

The Trump I expected showed up at the debate. A Trump who relayed over 50 verifiable lies!

Trump’s blustery performance did not deflect from the nation watching him dodge question after question and hearing him tell lie after lie. Sadly, I have not heard any public Republican Party disappointment in their candidate and that troubles me as a person of faith as well as a member of the opposing party.

So, where are we now?

I want to emphasize the we. We can and must act to support democracy and our democratic values of caring for and serving all people. Speak up to neighbors, friends, family, co-workers about the importance of this election up and down the ballot. Campaign like our lives depend on because, our lives, the lives of our loved ones and the future of our country does depend on it!

Trump’s lies still matter.

— Geoffrey Hoy,
Chair, Rowan County Democratic Party

Catch the good news recently?

Good news can slip through our news feeds so fast these days, but we need to recognize it, and internalize it, when it happens. Crime rates have been dropping fast ever since the last years of Donald Trump’s presidency when crime rates exploded in 2019 and 2020. The latest data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report show that since the first quarter of 2023, murders were down by 25 percent, rapes decreased by over 25 percent, robberies fell by more than 17.5 percent, and the overall violent crime rate went down by over 15 percent. This builds on the momentum from 2023 when murder rates fell at one of the fastest rates of decline ever recorded. The national data show crime spiked in 2019 and 2020 and has been dropping strongly and consistently since that time. Locally, crime has been more variable, but there was slightly less violent crime reported in 2023 than in 2020 according to Salisbury Police Department records. 

Want more good news from last week? The U.S. has the lowest inflation of any member of the G7 countries including Canada and our European allies. Inflation has been a major concern globally, but inflation in the U.S. is and has been lower than most advanced economies like those in Europe or Australia for the past 2 years. In the U.S., inflation peaked at an average of 8.0 percent a year in 2022 and is now down to about 3 percent. A recent report from the World Bank found that the U.S. economy is so strong that it is helping to stabilize and even boost economic growth globally. We owe a lot of thanks to the Federal Reserve and competent leadership at the top.

— Andrew Jacobson,

Cleanup on aisle 1, 2 and 3

As the ol’ saying goes, “What you do in the dark will come into the light.”

No better words to describe what happened at the presidential debate in Atlanta on Thursday night. After all the years of smoke-n-mirrors, lies, misinformation and disinformation peddled by Democrats, their MSM and celebrity friends, everything blew up in their faces on live TV forcing them to eat their own words many times over in real time.

Fortunately, most Americans already knew. The president took an entire week away from his official duties holed up with 16 advisors to get him ready on topics he already should have known about; look at what we saw and heard. Now, Biden & Co. can no longer hide and spin their way out of it.  

— Floyd Prophet,