My Turn: Renee Scheidt: Common sense voting

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 21, 2024

By Renee Scheidt

It’s common sense that only American citizens vote in American elections. But 198 U.S. House Democrats proved this past week they’re OK with non-citizens voting in our American elections. Last week the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE) passed the House, thanks to all Republicans voting for it and five Democrats. The bill blocks non-citizens from voting by requiring proof of U.S. citizenship. Since Biden has flooded our country with millions of illegal aliens at our open-door southern border, doesn’t it make common sense to require proof of citizenship? Simply by checking a box online, illegals can have a ballot mailed to them. Fill it out, put it in the dropbox and voila — Americans’ legal votes are canceled out by people who illegally entered our land.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) minced no words in criticizing them. “Today, 198 House Democrats voted against preventing illegal aliens from voting in American elections…Over the past four years, Joe Biden has welcomed millions upon millions of illegals into the country knowing that non-citizens only have to check a box to vote in a federal election. …We have long known this was an intentional effort to turn them into voters, and now the American people know where every member of Congress stands on this critically important issue… House Republicans believe that only Americans should vote in American elections. House Democrats have now proven they believe that illegal aliens should vote in American elections.”

Among the 14 N.C. Representatives in Congress, equally divided between Democrats and Republicans, only one Democrat was brave enough to stand against his party and vote for this common sense bill. A huge thank you to Don Davis, a Democrat from eastern N.C., who distinguished himself from 198 Democrats, including six from our home state of N.C. Shame on them!

On April 15, the Heritage Foundation published both a video and pictures of fliers given to illegals at a Matamoros migrant camp in Mexico by a non-government organization (NGO). The fliers told them to vote for Biden with the phrase “All with Biden” seen on the logo. Less than 13 hours later, a Congressional hearing was held relating this fact as a reason to make voting identification a necessity.

Not surprisingly, Democrats think the bill is unnecessary. They believe illegal voting isn’t a problem and it’s already a felony if they do. They’ve called the bill xenophobic and say it will disenfranchise various American citizens. However, illegals have already proven they don’t care about breaking our laws by disregarding the legal way to enter our country. Why now be concerned about breaking a law not permitting them to vote? Especially when they receive warnings from political operatives saying, “You better do this if you don’t want to be deported.” Because the Democratic Party is the one that offers them freebees, they’re certainly not “gonna bite the hand that feeds them.” Problem is you and I, the American taxpayers, are footing the bill for all these services.

Can you imagine the uproar if the fliers had said “Vote for Trump?” Do you think Democrats would have supported this bill if they thought illegals would cast a vote for him? I can hear them crying, “They’re trying to influence our elections!”

The right to vote is the fundamental basis of our Republic. It is not a “whosoever will may come” invitation. How ironic that the Democratic Party, who constantly threatens that “the loss of our democracy is at hand if Republicans win,” are the ones destroying democracy by allowing Illegals to vote! When Biden entered office, he immediately removed many of the policies that kept illegals out. Why? Because it was planned from the beginning of his presidency to flood our country with illegals. Getting them to vote would then be as easy as making a cake from a Betty Crocker cake mix. 

This bill now goes to the Senate where it faces an uphill battle. We’ll soon see which Senators truly support our democracy. Biden has already promised to veto the bill. It’s time to call our senators. If this bill fails, more than common sense dies. I fear our democracy does as well.

Renee Scheidt lives in Salisbury.