Clyde: What can you draw? A game

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 28, 2024

By Clyde

“Thou hast nothing to draw with and the well is deep; from whence then has thou that living water?” (John 4:11)

Artists always seem to know what to draw, but others are intimidated by the blank canvas; tabula rasa. They sit, waiting for divine inspiration. It was said of Rembrandt:

“He paints, and he forges the life that is not as beautiful as his dreams, for he converts his dreams into imagery, into paintings, because painting is ennobled by art, silence and by an apparent eternity.”

Just imagine what it looks like in your mind. Go to City Park for Art Camp, join the original Carolina Artists group ( or just get out the ol’ sketch pad and any old well-used No. 2 pencil will do; no eraser needed. No magic markers, they just stain your hands and you lose the plastic caps. For a little style, try a sumi brush on rice paper with India ink. So, try your hand at drawing for inspiration or a contest for fun or amazement at what kids don’t know without a cell phone. No cheating, just you and your mind’s eye. A score of 50 is OK, but a failure. You might try sports. A score of 75 is just getting by. Keep doodling. A hundred is perfect. You are a true artist and you can see the world around you. To make light, illuminate on paint or draw what words cannot portray is your chore your future opus and portfolio. No time limit or use an egg timer for fun. Good luck.

Get set, go!

• Paper clip

• Clef note

• Fig leaf

• Crescent wrench

• Picnic basket

• Feather pen

• Grain scoop

• Ladle

• Hourglass

• God

• Cotton plant

• Clothes pin

• Crutches

• Cauliflower

• 4-leaf clover

• Troll

• Pocket watch

• Sand dollar

• Sunfish

• Crosstie

• Bassinette

• Top hat

• Colt revolver

• Flea

• Rattlesnake

• Teepee

• Flip flop

• Bubbles

• Hoe

• Swallowtail butterfly

• Shag carpet

• Intake manifold

• One-eyed jack

• Zinnia

• Square knot

• Barrel

• Flashlight

• Opossum

• Telescope

• Microscope

• Stethoscope

• Moth ball

• Screen door latch

• T.V. antenna

• Cat’s eye marble

• Hay rake

• Pulley

• Paddle

• Circuit breaker

• Fly swatter

• Spectacles

• Stair banister

• 78 record

• Candlestick

• Tricycle

• Silver spoon

• Jigger

• Chigger

• Diaper pin

• Aquarium

• Arrowhead

• Woodstove

• Coveralls

• Chicken poop

• S.A.S.E.

• Pine Cone

• Wine Cooler

• Pearl necklace

• Pampas grass

• 1776 flag

• Staple gun

• Weather vane

• Sock darner

• Civil war sword

• Noodle

• Tombstone

• Candle snuffer

• Porch bracket

• Crazy quilt

• Blackboard eraser

• Oscillating fan

• Opera glasses

• Cameo

• Iron pyrite

• Praying mantis

• Bible

• Push plow

• Platypus

• Mini ball

• Sand dollar

• Rick rack

• Jefferson cup

• Salt cellar

• Vinegar cruet

• Pickle fork

• Mustache cup

• Straight razor

• Bow tie

• Tea service

• Tatting

• Spider web

Don’t draw any conclusions.

Clyde is a Salisbury artist.