Sabrina Harris: This year’s most important school purchase

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Dearest parents and guardians of children,

The most important thing you can purchase for your child to wear to school is an “I can do it!” attitude for this new school year. Tell them they have a clean slate for this year and that when things get tough do not hesitate to ask for help until they get it. Tell them “Don’t give up on themselves” and empower them to believe they will be better than they were last year. Yes, it is great if you can afford to dress them nicely and they may still want that popular book bag that some kids will have, but let them know the most important label they can ever wear is self love. If they love themselves they will take great care of their brains and their bodies. 

Encourage them to focus on themselves and be their personal best and not try to be anyone else. Remember the first few days may be chaotic as we learn new systems, new apps and new people. Give them and yourself grace for two full weeks at least. Give the teachers and administrators time to work out any kinks. 

If you need to have your child evaluated for an IEP/504, submit the request in writing. Keep a copy for yourself. Give the staff time to get into a rhythm. Then follow up. If your child has a new teacher and by new I mean new to teaching, let them know you are available to help them by reinforcing the learning at home. Actually, let all the teachers know this. 

Make it a priority to have conversations with your kiddos about what they are learning. Don’t let them just say “it was a good day” or focus on just gossip at school. Ask your village to do the same. Together we may not get it all right but we can help these kids be better than they were last year…just by showing we care and we are paying attention. I’m rooting for us all.

— Sabrina Harris,
RSS Board Member