Letters to the editor — Aug. 20

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Olympic fail at Paris

Now that another Olympics is in the books, not much is being said about the failures from Paris. Without any conversation, these failures are guaranteed to repeat themselves (and probably even more) in four years with the Los Angeles games.

Start with the “artists” who mocked and insulted at least a billion Christians across the world with their interpretation of “The Last Supper” during the opening ceremony. Move to the corrupt IOC and its president defending boxers declared ineligible by the International Boxing Association. Yet, the IOC said they were legal since their passports listed them as female. Another example of wokeism smothering actual science.

Finally, you have the USA men’s basketball team who won gold. Notice the press failed at their jobs again by not calling out Steve Kerr and his coaches for not having a roster that represented a diverse America. This was capped off with video of LeBron James verbally berating a little French boy taking pictures of him while his entourage entered a swanky Parisian restaurant afterwards. Zero class!

— Floyd Prophet

Vigil for Sonya Massey

I planned on attending the vigil for Sonya Massey sponsored by Women for Community Justice but could not when it was postponed to Thursday, Aug. 1. Reading that the event drew a crowd of approximately 50 people was very encouraging. Vigils and rallies were held all over the country, and it was good to see Salisbury residents and the surrounding areas felt it important enough to be included in the number.

I was flabbergasted to read that when one resident said, “she was afraid to call the police” and other women in attendance affirmed her sentiments, she was then asked to clarify if her fear was towards the Salisbury Police Department or the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office deputies.

Are you kidding me?

What difference does that make? Rather than hearing what the women were saying and being supportive of their truth, the women were reprimanded for their feelings.

There is a time and place for everything. The vigil was not the place for women to be told they had no reason to fear the Salisbury Police Department. The fear the women were speaking about was not geared to a particular agency but to the system itself. The system that makes some of us begin to hyperventilate when we look in your rearview mirror and see a law enforcement car behind us. The system that causes us to worry every time our loved one leaves home if they will make it back safely. It does not cross our mind whether the agency is the Salisbury Police Department, Rowan County Sheriff’s Office or the N.C. Highway Patrol. All these agencies have one thing in common: engaging in the act of policing. Next time brothers: recognize the moment and do better.

— Regina Dancy