NC officially recognizes Justice For All party

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 22, 2024

RALEIGH —  The State Board of Elections on Tuesday recognized the Justice For All Party as an official political party in the state.

The decision came in response to a court order.

Recognition of Justice for All means voters now have nine choices of party affiliation when registering to vote or updating an existing registration. Voters may register with the Constitution, Democratic, Green, Justice For All, Libertarian, No Labels, Republican or We The People parties, or they can register as unaffiliated.

This recognition also means that voters currently registered with a different political party or as unaffiliated may switch their affiliation to the Justice For All Party if they wish. For information on how to do that, see Updating Registration.
Justice For All also will have presidential candidate Cornel West and vice-presidential candidate Melina Abdullah on the ballot in the 2024 general election.

The state board has updated voter registration applications to include the new political party option. If a voter who wants to register with the new party received an older version of the voter registration application, they may register for Justice For All by checking the “Other” box and writing “Justice For All” on the line in the “Political Party Affiliation” section.

In other business, the state board:

Approved the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Mobile UNC One Card as an acceptable form of photo identification for voting in the 2024 general election. For more information about the photo ID requirement for voting, go to