Ester Marsh: What exactly is blood pressure?

Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 24, 2024

Besides the ab machine and flexibility machine, the blood pressure machine is one of the most-used machines at the YMCA. It is very important to keep your blood pressure in check. So, what is “normal”?

This is what the American Heart Association says: Normal levels are systolic (the top number) less than 120 and diastolic (the bottom number) less than 80. Elevated is 120-129 systolic and less than 80 diastolic. High blood pressure (hypertension, stage one) is 130-139 over 80-89. High blood pressure, stage two is 140 or higher over 90 or higher. Hypertensive crisis is where you need to go to the doctor immediately, and that is higher than 180 and/or higher than 120.

So what are those numbers referring to? The top number (systolic) measures the pressure your blood is putting on your artery walls when the heart beats. The bottom and lower number, diastolic, measures the pressure on your artery walls when the hearts is resting in between beats. Blood still flows of course, but without the pressure of the heartbeat. Many times, I have had to explain to people that their systolic (top number) is elevated a lot because they just came from a workout where their heart rate was elevated. If you need to check your BP (blood pressure) regularly, wait at least 30 minutes after a workout. And for accuracy, take it twice, waiting one to three minutes in between. While taking the blood pressure, sit with legs unfolded, relax, breathe deeply and don’t talk while test is in process. As with all your visits, talk to your health care professional, ask why they are doing certain things and what you can do to help improve it.

The Mayo Clinic recommends the following lifestyle changes you can make to lower your blood pressure:

  • Lose extra pounds and watch your waistline. The extra weight around your waistline can put you at greater risk for high blood pressure.
  • Exercise regularly, preferably 150 minutes a week which is about 30 minutes a day most days of the week.
  • Eat a healthy diet with whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products. Check out the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating this way can lower your BP up to 11mm Hg.
  • Reduce sodium in your diet. Even small reductions can improve your heart health and reduce BP.
  • Limit alcohol consumption. Positive effects on BP is one drink for woman and two for men. That protective effect goes away when you drink more than that. And if you do not drink at all, don’t start just because it has positives effects in moderation. There are so many other things you can do to lower BP without drinking alcohol.
  • Quit smoking. Each cigarette you smoke increases your blood pressure for minutes after you finish.
  • Cut back on caffeine. There is still a lot of debate on this. They do know that when people are not used to caffeine, it will raise their BP. People who regularly drink coffee may not experience any difference. If you have high BP and drink caffeine, check your BP within 30 minutes of drinking a caffeinated beverage. If it goes up 5 to 10 mm Hg, limiting or eliminating caffeine may be beneficial for you. Make sure to talk to your doctor about it.
  • Reduce your stress. Try to find out what stresses you out and try to find ways to deal with them focusing on issues you can control. Try yoga, meditation or tai chi. They teach you to breathe deeply and relax fully.
  • Monitor your blood pressure and see your doctor regularly.
  • Get support. Family, friends, your local YMCA and gym can give you the emotional boost you need.

Dr. Kim Smith and I are starting a new 12-week session on Exercise is Medicine on Tuesday Sept. 3 at 5:30 p.m. It’s twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will finish right before Thanksgiving. You do need a doctor’s prescription to join us. More info on our website or come to our front desk, or come talk to me.

And as always, focus on kindness, respect and understanding, “just” breathe and enjoy life.

Ester H. Marsh is associate executive director and director of healthy living at the J.F. Hurley Family YMCA.