Letter to the editor — Aug. 25

Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 25, 2024

Above and beyond

We are from Davie County, Mocksville, and we went to Southeast Middle School on Thursday night (Aug. 15) to see our great-grandson, Brison Bragg, who plays football for West Rowan Middle School. 

We had never been there before until that night. We saw an officer at the front of the school, so we asked her where we could park our truck. 

Officer E. Shepard, who is an SRO at the school, told us to follow her in her car and she would show us. I told her we couldn’t walk very far because of our age. We had our roller chairs in the back of our truck to walk with. 

Officer Shepard went above and beyond helping us to park and also to find a place to put our chairs. 

But that isn’t all she did for us. She checked on us several times during the game. She asked if we wanted a drink. We said, “No,” because we knew we could not walk to get them. 

I looked up and here she came with two drinks and popcorn also. I tried to pay her but she would not take anything. We thanked her for them.

When the games were over, she was also there to help us to our truck. She will never know how much we appreciated all she did for us. 

I wanted to let everyone in Rowan County know what wonderful officers you have, especially E. Shepard. 

May God bless you.

— Bill and Marie Gatton