Local golf: Labor Day 4-Ball update, with Saturday qualifying scores

Published 12:40 am Sunday, August 25, 2024


2024 Crowder-Dorsett Memorial 4-Ball

Labor Day Golf Tournament

Day 2 Qualifying Results and Day 3 Pairings

So far, 119 of 159 teams have attempted to qualify.

Sunday’s rounds will determine who is in and who is out.

In the Super Sr. Division:

Doug Glenn and Greg Chappell still have their eye on the Medalist prize for the division as their score of 68 is still holding up.  Right now, there are three teams on the bubble of the Super Sr. Championship Flight with a score of 75.  They include Victor Wallace/Phil McKinney, Grady Summerlin/Jim Lynch, and Bryce Beard/Ken Reid.

The final cut line will be determined by the seven scores from Sunday’s round. It is already certain that scores of 82 and higher will not make match play.

Senior Division

The team of David Chambers/Mike Herndon jumped into the lead for Medalist on Saturday with a score of 70.  With eight teams still trying to qualify on Sunday, those hoping to get into the Championship Flight will have to shoot 75 or better. The teams that have scored 81 or better are safe for qualifying for match play.

 Championship Division

Friday leaders Chris Owen /McGwire Owen (65) held on to their bid for Medalist honors as the best scores from Saturday were a pair of 68s by Tyler Mulkey/Jordan Taylor and Michael Alunga/ Christopher Baguma.

There are eight teams tied at 69, which is the bubble score at this point to get into the Championship Flight. Scores of 70 and higher will be in the Open Division.

Open Division

Teams that qualified under par could be in the Second Open Flight.  Twenty-two teams beat par on Friday and Saturday.

Twenty-five teams will attempt to qualify on Sunday for their spot in the Championship Division or Open Division.  Teams that 76 or better are safe from elimination.  There are just too many teams left to qualify to say where the final cut line will be.  Traditionally, the cut line is between 78 and 82.

If playoffs are needed, spots will be settled on Sunday afternoon.

Results and Day 3 Pairings

Men’s 65+ Qualifying                                                         Score

                                McDaniel, MalloryDeRhodes, John Def. Champs

                                Glenn, Doug         Chappell, Greg     68

                                Bingham, Randy   Ridenhour, Rick  69

                                Christy, Jim          Shoaf, Robert       70

                                Rae, Craig             Resner, Andre      71

                                Henderlite, John  Frazier, John         73

                                McKinney, Phil    Wallace, Victor    75

                                Lynch, Jim            Summerlin, Grady75

                                Reid, Ken              Beard, Bryce         75

                                Mueller, Nick       Petrea, Larry         76

                                Harwood, Dean   VanPelt, Harry     76

                                Jordan, Stan          Stolsworth, Bruce                76

                                Creeger, Greg      Plummer, Dale    78

                                Shirk, Ron             Roueche, David    80

                                Doran, Michael    Cobb, Brian          81

                                Andrews, Gus      Goodman, Jim      81

                                Bradshaw, Jimmy Bradshaw, Robin  82

                                Correll, Danny     Newkirk, Robert 84

                                Little, Kevin          Lawing, Gary        84

Sunday AM           8:40        Boltz, Bob             Edginton, Keith

Sunday AM           8:40        Priddy, Russ         Medinger, Grey

Sunday AM           8:50        Allred, Rick          Post, Jon

Sunday AM           8:50        Gaskey, Steve       Norris, Eric

Sunday AM           9:00        Spader, Guy          Stephens, Dave

Sunday AM           9:00        Valley, Chuck      Honeycutt, Steve

Sunday AM           9:10        Pope, Ray              Weant, Ted

Men’s 55+ Qualifying                                                         Score

                                Casmus, Bob         Patti, Chris            Def. Champs

                                Chambers, David Herndon, Mike    70

                                Eidson, Wally       Ogden, Robert     71

                                Hubbard, Jim Sr.  Pickett, Rick         71

                                Fagg, Scott            Thomas, Curt       71

                                Lyerly, Roger       Gegorek, Steve     72

                                Comadoll, Chip   Wright, Jerry        73

                                Kennerly, Brian    Kyles, Curtis         75

                                Holshouser, Jeff   Mills, Mike           77

                                Little, Brent          Little, Derrick      77

                                Shepherd, Frank   Shuping, Todd      78

                                Heiser, Don          Cheek, Brady        78

                                Stevens, Jay           Flynn, Ames         80

                                Blume, Mike         Evans, Terry         80

                                Carpenter, AnthonyCarpenter, Jimmy            81

                                Goodnight, Cress Hlavacek, John     81

                                Hunter, Robert    Corriher, Clark    87

                                Bradshaw, Perry   Ruppart, Mike      96

                                Hammond, Troy  Anderson, ThomasWD

                               Denton, Jimmy    Frick, Andy           WD

Sunday AM           8:00        Kaiser, Randy       Swaringen, Billy

Sunday AM           8:00        McDonald, Flint  Boger, William

Sunday AM           8:10        Goodman, Tim     Stockford, Chuck

Sunday AM           8:10        Storey, Andy        Derrick, Mark

Sunday AM           8:20        Harmon, Jim        Sadowski, Thomas

Sunday AM           8:20        Sexton, Shane       Smith, Doug

Sunday AM           8:30        Brown, Dana         Moore, Sam

Sunday AM           8:30        Holshouser, David Sharpe, Mike

                Men’s Championship & Open Qualifying        Score

                                Lankford, Jeffrey Grisette, Uly        Def. Champs

                                Owen, Chris         Owen, Mc Gwire 65

                                Szalay, Ryan          McCoy, John        67

                                Adams, Frank       Adams, Russ         67

                                Lentz, Kevin         Hurst, Jeremy      68

                                McIntyre, Brady   Sprinkle, Jaden     68

                                Gill, Terrain          Robinson, Andre 68

                                Mulkey, Tyler      Taylor, Jordan      68

                                Alunga, Micheal   Baguma, Christopher 68

                                Antosek, Alex      Antosek, Nick      69

                                Lombard, Andy    Bernhardt, Jason  69

                                Alcorn, Clark       Hoskins, Chad      69

                                Correll, Seth         Dyer, Jon              69

                                Rusher, Joey         Rusher, Joseph     69

                                Robins, Hank        Fowler, Will         69

                                Gregg, Patrick      Mitchell, Karl       69

                                Cline, Wesley      Branch, Jordan     69

                                Rae, Chris             Nesbitt, Chris       70

                                Shuping, Logan    Shepherd, Jordan 70

                                Paschal, Derek     Allen, Jon              70

                                Chatt, Jack            Sheppard, Mack   70

                                Coward, Andrew Marburger, Joel   70

                                Frye, Chad            Frye, Tanner         70

                                McCoy, Christopher McCoy, Ryan  71

                                Lefler, Justin         Barnette, Jared     71

                                Steinman, Gabe    Myers, Riley         71

                                Dorsett, Keith      Smith, Jacob         72

                                Goodman, Sam     Davis, Bryant        72

                                Lipe, Derek          Little, William     72

                                Tuttle, Allen        Harvey, Jay           72

                                Kyger, Johnny      Kyger, John          72

                                Wray, Blake         Mulkey, Eric         72

                                Beard, Marshell   Knight, Keith        73

                                Robins, Clint        Miller, Austin       73

                                Kyles, Coyte         Hughes, Conlin    73

                                McIntyre, Dwayne Jones, Brian        73

                                Graeber, Charlie  Graeber, Luke      74

                                Wright, Kyle        Dorsett, Michael  74

                                Stout, Ryan           Moore Jr., Carl    74

                                Vinson, Brad         Jensen, Chace       74

                                Honeycutt, Ryan  Honeycutt, Cam  74

                                Coward, Chris      Holmes, Brandon 74

                                Carroll, Brandon Williams, Brannon 74

                                Basinger, Corey    Currin, Madison  75

                                Lefear, Bobby       Stegall, Jacob        75

                                Adams, Ricky       Cooper, Randy Jr 75

                                Mulkey, Brayden Mulkey, Brett       75

                                Brincefield, Josh  Brincefield, Bo     76

                                Correll, Jason       Grove, Chris         76

                                Bullock, Stephen Chapman, Brian   76

                                Howell, Brian       Reynolds, Bryan   76

                                Derrick, Chris      Flippin, Reid         77

                                Weiker, Russ       Lee, Alex              77

                                VanWagenberg, Mark Campbell, Will 77

                                Blackledge, Scott Black, Brad            77

                                Bowden, Chance  Brown, Ross         77

                                Fisher, David        Yang, Steve           78

                                McIntyre, Robin  Boyle, Brian          78

                                Hoesman, Mark   Hoesman, Whitt  78

                                Ballard, Chad        Higgins, Chris      78

                                Monteith, Adam  Newell, Jim          78

                                Hiatt, Neal            Morgan, Andrew 78

                                Ritchie, Ben          Carmichael, Spencer 79

                                Goodman, Clark  Jimenez, Kris        79

                                McCulloh, Jonathan White, Spencer 79

                                Trainor, Jospeh    Trainer, Jacob      80

                                Sparger, Jason      Sparker, Jackson  80

                                Webb, Hank         Webb, Will          80

                                Benfield, Shane     Benfield, Brody    81

                                Griffin, Braxton   Myers, Joe            81

                                Hurst, Branson     Phillips, Jamie      81

                                Bergstone, Robbie Derrick, David   82

                                Hathcock, Chase  Fleming, Ashton  82

                                Fink, Brad             Sechler, Jake         82

                                Jolly, Lee               Jolly, Robert         83

                                Queen, Chris        Bates, Jack             84

                                Slagle, Tate            Cole, Justin           86

                                Baity, Tyler           Baity, Paul             87

                                Lucus, George      Fluet, Shane          87

                                McQuargue, Jeff  Hedrick, Mark     WD

Sunday AM           9:10        Graham, Ryan      Wolford, Mike

Sunday AM           9:20        Bradshaw, Dwight Jones, Greg

Sunday AM           9:20        Keller, Chris         Summers, Jimmy

Sunday AM           9:30        Burke, Ryan          Cranfield, Cade

Sunday AM           9:30        Swaim, Clay          West, Keyon

Sunday AM           9:40        Edwards, Eric       Nionouris, Alex

Sunday AM           9:40        Swaringen, Michael Swaringen, Mitchell

Sunday AM           9:50        Carpenter, Cory  Kramer, Sean

Sunday AM           9:50        Honeycutt, Josh   Ridenhour, Jason

Sunday AM           10:00     Nester, Jacob        Striplin, Mason

Sunday AM           10:00     Tuttle, John          Trombino, Mike

Sunday AM           10:10     Chapman, Hunter Youngblood, Caleb

Sunday AM           10:10     Evans, Bradley      Swaringen, Trey

Sunday AM           10:20     Kesler, Zack         Vanderford, Alstin

Sunday AM           10:20     Post, Abraham     Post, Simon

Sunday AM           10:30     Baldwin, Chase    Johnson, Stephen

Sunday AM           10:30     Ledbetter, Trey    McGinnis, Mickey

Sunday AM           10:40     Corpening, Derrick Fincher, Greg

Sunday AM           10:40     Safreit, Alex          Taylor, Justin

Sunday AM           10:50     Gaither, Thomas  Jones, Preston Jr.

Sunday AM           10:50     Huffman, Andy    Huffman, Drew

Sunday AM           11:00     Belk, Andrew       Queen, Jon

Sunday AM           11:00     Fesperman, David Fesperman, Lee

Sunday AM           11:10     Burke, Bryan         Carpenter, Dylan

Sunday AM           11:10     Hampton, Patrick Pinkston, Michael