Letters to the editor — Aug. 27

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 27, 2024

I voted for Obama and Trump

OK, I admit it, I voted for Obama and later for Trump when he first ran for president. People may think I’m disloyal. However, I want to always have the freedom to vote against a Hitler or against a Castro. This election is that important. Do we throw our pearls to swine or do we still hold out that our Constitution gives us hope that we can expect our nation to value all of its citizens. We are not perfect, but voting for a madman is crazy.

— Audrey Armistead

Price controls can be disastrous

One of the promises recently made at the Democratic National Convention by the current vice president, if elected as president, will be to implement “price controls” on the grocery industry beginning as early as January 2025 to help control rising food prices.

As a retired director with one of the largest supermarket chains in the nation, and on behalf of the supermarket industry, we believe that “price controls” can and will have a devastating impact on both the economy and our country.

As was the case years ago with price controls and more recently with the COVID pandemic, such a strategy had a negative impact on inflation and the economy. For those of us who recall, “price controls” created food shortages, gas lines and many other crises for our country. They also created the highest inflation we have experienced in over 40 years. Such a strategy can be very damaging to our farmers, migrant workers, food processors, food wholesalers, supermarket employees and the general public. This is especially true in the supermarket industry where net profit has been as low as 1 percent. The promise of “price controls” can only lead to a recession and/or depression and we believe will be devastating to our country.

We ask that you please take a page from history and please vote to “Take Back America.”

— Ronnie Smith