Labor Day golf: Lankford/Grisette repeat as champs

Published 7:59 pm Tuesday, September 3, 2024

See the Post’s Wednesday online edition and  Thursday print edition for a report on Labor Day golf.
From the Country Club of Salisbury
2024 Crowder / Dorsett Memorial 4-Ball Labor Day Golf Event
This year’s event saw 320 players, or 160 teams of two attempt to qualify for 120 spots in the Match Play field.
Final Results
Super Sr. Championship Flight
The Consolation Finals was won by the team of Chuck Valley and Steve Honeycutt. They won 3&2 over Medalist Doug Glenn and Greg Chappell.
Our 2024 Super Sr. Champions are the team of Jim Christy and Robert Shoaf. They defeated the team of John DeRhodes and Mallory McDaniel who beat them in the finals last year. Jim Christy now joined an eleite club of people who have won, the Championship Division, Sr. Division and now the Super Sr. Division.
Senior Championship Flight
Scott Fagg and Curt Thomas won their consolation match 3&2 over Roger Lyerly and Steve Gegorek.
The team of Bob Casmus and Chris Patti repeated their Championship as they defeated the team of Chip Comadoll and Jerry Wright by the score of 1up.
Championship Division
The Championship Match was steep in tradition as Jeff Lankford and his partner Uly Grisette were going after their second consecutive Labor Day against past Champion Chris Owen and his son McGwire. (This was McGwire’s first time competing in the Championship Flight.) Lankford and Greisette won the final match by the score of 5&4.
The team of Eric Edwards and Alex Nionouris won the Consolation Title Match 3&2 over the team of Kevin Lentz and Jeremy Hurst.
Final Championship Results
Championship Black Tees Score Match
Lankford, Jeffrey Grisette, Uly Won 5&4 Owen, Chris Owen, Mc Gwire Championship Match
Edwards, Eric Nionouris, Alex Won 3&2 Lentz, Kevin Hurst, Jeremy Consolation Finals
Lankford, Jeffrey Grisette, Uly Won 1up Adams, Frank Adams, Russ Semi-Final Match
Owen, Chris Owen, Mc Gwire Won 1up Szalay, Ryan McCoy, John Semi-Final Match
Lentz, Kevin Hurst, Jeremy Won 5&4 Alunga, Micheal Baguma, Christopher Consolation Semi-Final Match
Edwards, Eric Nionouris, Alex Won 1up McIntyre, Brady Sprinkle, Jaden Consolation Semi-Final Match
65 and Over Championship
Christy, Jim Shoaf, Robert Won 2&1 Rae, Craig Resner, Andre 65 and Over Championship
Valley, Chuck Honeycutt, Steve Won 3&2 Glenn, Doug Chappell, Greg Consolation
65 and Over Open Flight 1
Henderlite, John Frazier, John Won 5&4 Mueller, Nick Petrea, Larry 65 and Over Flight 1
McKinney, Phil Wallace, Victor Won 1up Priddy, Russ Medinger, Grey Consolation Final
55 and Over Championship
Casmus, Bob Patti, Chris Won 1up Comadoll, Chip Wright, Jerry 55 and Over Championship
Fagg, Scott Thomas, Curt Won 3&2 Lyerly, Roger Gegorek, Steve Consolation Final
55 and Over Open Flight 1
Holshouser, Jeff Mills, Mike Won 11up Shepherd, Frank Shuping, Todd Sr. Flight 1 Final
Kennerly, Brian Kyles, Curtis Won 1up Holshouser, David Sharpe, Mike Consolation
55 and Over Open Flight 2
McDonald, Flint Boger, William Won 4&3 Carpenter, Anthony Carpenter, Jimmy Sr. Flight 2 Final
Goodman, Tim Stockford, Chuck Won 5&4 Goodnight, Cress Hlavacek, John Consolation
Men’s Open Flight 1
Shuping, Logan Shepherd, Jordan Won 20H Alcorn, Clark Hoskins, Chad Finals
Chatt, Jack Sheppard, Mack Won 3&2 Rae, Chris Nesbitt, Chris Consolation
Men’s Open Flight 2
Dorsett, Keith Smith, Jacob Won 19H Lefler, Justin Barnette, Jared Finals
Honeycutt, Josh Ridenhour, Jason Won 22H Goodman, Sam Davis, Bryant Consolation
Men’s Open Flight 3
Evans, Bradley Swaringen, Trey Won 2&1 Swaringen, Michael Swaringen, Mitchell Finals
Wray, Blake Mulkey, Eric Won 2&1 Tuttle, Allen Harvey, Jay Consolation
Men’s Open Flight 4
Vinson, Brad Jensen, Chace Won 7&5 Wright, Kyle Dorsett, Michael Finals
Graeber, Charlie Graeber, Luke Won 2&1 McIntyre, Dwayne Jones, Brian Consolation
Men’s Open Flight 5
Lefear, Bobby Stegall, Jacob Won 2&1 Basinger, Corey Currin, Madison Finals
Adams, Ricky Cooper, Randy Jr Won 3&2 Carroll, Brandon Williams, Brannon Consolation
Men’s Open Flight 6
Brincefield, Josh Brincefield, Bo Won 1up Bullock, Stephen Chapman, Brian Finals
Correll, Jason Grove, Chris Won 4&3 VanWagenberg, Mark Campbell, Will Consolation
Men’s Open Flight 7
Bowden, Chance Brown, Ross Won 22H Monteith, Adam Newell, Jim Finals
Hoesman, Mark Hoesman, Whitt Won 19H Blackledge, Scott* Black, Brad Consolation
Men’s Open Flight 8
Keller, Chris Summers, Jimmy Won 2&1 Sparger, Jason Sparger, Jackson Finals
Hiatt, Neal Morgan, Andrew Won 3&1 Gaither, Thomas Jones, Preston Jr. Consolation
The 2024 Crowder Dorsett Memorial 4-Ball Labor Day event was one to remember. 3.5 inches of range over the 3 days of Match play and it only set us back a couple of hours. Thanks to perfect course conditions, the rain was not a factor in the scores. From the Membership and Staff at the Country Club of Salisbury, we would like to thank everyone for participating and we hope that it exceeded your expectations.
This event would not be possible without the Labor Day Committee and the committee chair, Jake Alexander. A special shout out to one of the most important people associated with the event is Susan Wydner, our Labor Day Volunteer coordinator and her team of over 20 Volunteers. Our Volunteers served great needs stepping in where ever we needed but especially Starting, Driving Range, Putting green, on-course spotting, and Rangers.
We cannot have a recap of the event without thanking our wonderful sponsors. Their contributions touch every player in the field to make this not only the most coveted event in Rowan County but in North Carolina. As a participant or supporter of this event, please take the time to join us in thanking our wonderful sponsors and remember them when you are seeking one of the goods or services they offer.
Thank you to all of our sponsors:
Blandy Hardwoods / Driving Range
C3 Custom Golf / Scoreboard
Cheerwine / Tee Markers
The Medicine Shop / Golf Carts
KMD Construction / Patio Sponsor
New Sarum / First and Tenth Tee
Penrod Medical / Putting Green
Statewide Title / Welcome Sponsor
Wallace Realty / Parking Lot
Sponsoring in Honor & Memory Of:
Richard Rendleman by Greg Alcorn
Patsy Rendleman by Greg Alcorn
Jimmy Hurley by Jake Alexander
Joel Hubbard by Anonymous Donor
John Frazier, Jr by John Henderlite
A.D. Dorsett by Johnny Isenhour
As the Golf Professional I would like to thank Jake Alexander and the Labor Day Committee, Susan Wydner and her volunteer crew. The truly unsung heroes of this event is the Country Club of Salisbury Golf Operations team. This includes Randy Almeida, and our entire outside service team as well as Dan Diskin in the Golf Shop, Assistant Golf Professional Walt Sellars who put in countless hours starting back in July preparing for this event and will continue working on this event into next week. Thank YOU. I would also like to thank Gerry Moree, and the Maintenance team, for the outstanding job they do to have our course in Championship condition. Thank you, to Tina Philbrick who helps in so many ways behind the curtain. Isaac Davis our General Manger, Dawn Lozeau, Corey Brown and the Food and Beverage team did a GREAT job with the food and service and operations on this holiday weekend. Thank You!
Thanks again to all who participated, and congratulations to all of today’s winners. We look forward to seeing you again in 2025!!
Round Two Results (completed on Monday Sept. 2)
Flight Score
65+ Open 1 Henderlite, John Frazier, John Won 3&2 Reid, Ken Beard, Bryce
65+ Open 1 Priddy, Russ Medinger, Grey Won 4&3 Lynch, Jim Summerlin, Grady
65+ Open 1 Mueller, Nick Petrea, Larry Won 19H Allred, Rick Post, Jon
65+ Open 1 McKinney, Phil Wallace, Victor Won 6&5 Jordan, Stan Stolsworth, Bruce
55+ Open 1 Holshouser, Jeff Mills, Mike Won 4&3 Heiser, Don Cheek, Brady
55+ Open 1 Kennerly, Brian Kyles, Curtis Won 2&1 Little, Brent Little, Derrick
55+ Open 1 Shepherd, Frank Shuping, Todd Won 2up Sexton, Shane Smith, Doug
55+ Open 1 Holshouser, David Sharpe, Mike Won 6&5 Harmon, Jim Sadowski, Thomas
55+ Open 2 Carpenter, Anthony Carpenter, Jimmy Won 21H Stevens, Jay Flynn, Ames
55+ Open 2 Goodnight, Cress Hlavacek, John Won 1up Brown, Dana Moore, Sam
55+ Open 2 McDonald, Flint Boger, William Won 3&1 Blume, Mike Evans, Terry
55+ Open 2 Goodman, Tim Stockford, Chuck Won 2&1 Storey, Andy Derrick, Mark
Open 2 Lefler, Justin Barnette, Jared Won 2&1 Frye, Chad Frye, Tanner
Open 2 Goodman, Sam Davis, Bryant Won 1up Steinman, Gabe Myers, Riley
Open 2 Dorsett, Keith Smith, Jacob Won 5&3 McCoy, Christopher McCoy, Ryan
Open 2 Honeycutt, Josh Ridenhour, Jason Won 4&3 Carpenter, Cory Kramer, Sean
Open 4 Wright, Kyle Dorsett, Michael Won 1up Kyles, Coyte Hughes, Conlin
Open 4 Graeber, Charlie Graeber, Luke Won 1up Honeycutt, Ryan Honeycutt, Cam
Open 4 Vinson, Brad Jensen, Chace Won 19H Corpening, Derrick Fincher, Greg
Open 4 McIntyre, Dwayne Jones, Brian Won 6&4 Stout, Ryan Moore Jr., Carl
Open 6 Brincefield, Josh Brincefield, Bo Won 4&3 Howell, Brian Reynolds, Bryan
Open 6 VanWagenberg, Mark Campbell, Will Won 3&2 Tuttle, John Trombino, Mike
Open 6 Bullock, Stephen Chapman, Brian Won 5&4 Weiker, Russ Lee, Alex
Open 6 Correll, Jason Grove, Chris Won 1up Derrick, Chris Flippin, Reid
Open 7 Monteith, Adam Newell, Jim Won 1up McIntyre, Robin Boyle, Brian
Open 7 Blackledge, Scott* Black, Brad Won 4&3 Fisher, David Yang, Steve
Open 7 Bowden, Chance Brown, Ross Won 5&3 Swaim, Clay West, Keyon
Open 7 Hoesman, Mark Hoesman, Whitt Won 8&7 Ballard, Chad Higgins, Chris
Open 8 Sparger, Jason Sparger, Jackson Won 1up Goodman, Clark Jimenez, Kris
Open 8 Hiatt, Neal Morgan, Andrew Won 4&3 Ritchie, Ben Carmichael, Spencer
Open 8 Keller, Chris Summers, Jimmy Won 2&1 Ledbetter, Trey McGinnis, Mickey
Open 8 Gaither, Thomas Jones, Preston Jr. Won 2&1 McCulloh, Jonathan White, Spencer
Champ Lankford, Jeffrey Grisette, Uly Won 2&1 Mulkey, Tyler Taylor, Jordan
Champ Alunga, Micheal Baguma, Christopher Win Over Burke, Ryan Cranfield, Cade
Champ Adams, Frank Adams, Russ Win Over Correll, Seth Dyer, Jon
Champ Lentz, Kevin Hurst, Jeremy Won 4&2 Robins, Hank Fowler, Will
Champ Szalay, Ryan McCoy, John Win 4&3 Lombard, Andy Bernhardt, Jason
Champ McIntyre, Brady Sprinkle, Jaden Won 1up Gregg, Patrick Mitchell, Karl
Champ Owen, Chris Owen, Mc Gwire Won 2&1 Gill, Terrain Robinson, Andre
Champ Edwards, Eric Nionouris, Alex Win Over Cline, Wesley Branch, Jordan
55+ Champ Casmus, Bob Patti, Chris Win Over Hubbard, Jim Sr. Pickett, Rick
55+ Champ Fagg, Scott Thomas, Curt Won 1up Kaiser, Randy Swaringen, Billy
55+ Champ Comadoll, Chip Wright, Jerry Won 1up Eidson, Wally Ogden, Robert
55+ Champ Lyerly, Roger Gegorek, Steve Win Over Chambers, David Herndon, Mike
65+ Champ Christy, Jim Shoaf, Robert Won 1 up McDaniel, Mallory DeRhodes, John
65+ Champ Valley, Chuck Honeycutt, Steve Won 3&2 Gaskey, Steve Norris, Eric
65+ Champ Rae, Craig Resner, Andre Won 4&3 Spader, Guy Stephens, Dave
65+ Champ Glenn, Doug Chappell, Greg Won 2&1 Bingham, Randy Ridenhour, Rick
Open 5 Lefear, Bobby Stegall, Jacob Win Over Safrit, Alex Taylor, Justin
Open 5 Adams, Ricky Cooper, Randy Jr Win Over Coward, Chris Holmes, Brandon
Open 5 Basinger, Corey Currin, Madison Win Over Chapman, Hunter Youngblood, Caleb
Open 5 Carroll, Brandon Williams, Brannon Won 2&1 Mulkey, Brayden Mulkey, Brett
Open 1 Shuping, Logan Shepherd, Jordan Won 4&2 Antosek, Alex Antosek, Nick
Open 1 Rae, Chris Nesbitt, Chris Won 6&4 Coward, Andrew Marburger, Joel
Open 1 Alcorn, Clark Hoskins, Chad Won 1up Paschal, Derek Allen, Jon
Open 1 Chatt, Jack Sheppard, Mack Win Over Rusher, Joey Rusher, Joseph
Open 3 Lipe, Derek Little, William Won 1up Swaringen, Michael Swaringen, Mitchell
Open 3 Wray, Blake Mulkey, Eric Won 2&1 Robins, Clint Miller, Austin
Open 3 Evans, Bradley Swaringen, Trey Won 19H Beard, Marshell Knight, Keith
Open 3 Tuttle, Allen Harvey, Jay Won 2&1 Kyger, Johnny Kyger, John