Anthony Smith resigning from Salisbury city council to return to Alabama

Published 10:47 am Wednesday, September 11, 2024

SALISBURY — Salisbury City Council Member Anthony Smith has announced that he will be resigning from the city council on Tuesday, Sept. 17.

Smith, who was first elected to the city council in 2021, will be returning to Birmingham, Alabama, in order to be closer to his family and pursue new career opportunities, according to a release from the city.

“It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the people of Salisbury. This community has given me so much, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside such passionate and committed individuals. While I look forward to the next chapter in Birmingham, Salisbury will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for the privilege of serving. I pray that God will continue to bless and guide our city, and I look forward to seeing the great things that will continue to happen here,” said Smith in the release.

Smith has been an active member of the Salisbury community even outside of his service on the city council, working with organizations including as the founder of the Mission House and working with the Humans Relation Council and the Salisbury Youth Council. Recently, he helped organize a silent read-in to promote the importance of literacy in society

“Anthony Smith has been an extraordinary community leader. His commitment to social justice, community engagement and spiritual leadership has left an indelible mark on Salisbury. We are saddened to see him go but wish him immense success and happiness in his future endeavors,” said Mayor Karen Alexander in the release.

The city council will develop a process for filling Smith’s vacated seat consistent with all applicable laws and plans on sharing updates throughout the process in an effort to keep citizens informed, according to the release.

Assistant City Manager Kelly Baker said that the council will follow state law for filling the seat, which mandates that a vacant seat be filled by appointment of the city council. As Smith’s seat was up for election during the 2025 election cycle, the next regular Salisbury election, the appointee will fulfill the rest of his term. Baker also reiterated that the council is still determining how they would like to move forward in filling the vacancy.