Letters to the editor — Oct. 3

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 3, 2024

Hurricane trivia

I was a senior in Boyden High School in 1954 when Hazel made landfall in Cherry Grove Beach, S.C. The effects were felt here. One of my classmates had polio and was on crutches. She fell on the wet pavement coming in the door from the circular drive. Thirty-five years later, Hurricane Hugo made landfall near Charleston, S.C. We had power outages here and a lot of damage. Thirty-five years after Hugo, Helene swept by. It’s interesting the all three had the first letter “H” which is the 8th letter in the alphabet and were 35 years apart.

— Charles Sowers,

Don’t vote for Morrow

If you love public schools and education, then please do not vote for Michele Morrow.

  1. Her children never attended public schools.
  2. She actively undermined public education.
  3. She vilifies teachers.
  4. She makes false statements (lies) and inflammatory remarks about what our children are supposedly learning in our schools.
  5. She does not believe in public schools.
  6. She is into culture wars and conspiracy theories (lies).
  7. She is an extremist in the GOP.

Do not vote for her.

Thank you.

— Brenda Poole,

Trump is the best choice to prevent expanding wars

Remember Israel’s military demanding Netanyahu to describe an “endgame” for the current war? Also, what is the “endgame” in the war in Ukraine? Can we really say that the wars will lead to a victorious peace?

The most important sentence Trump said in the debate is that he just wants the wars to end. Do we really want Iran and Russia to begin WWIII?

George Will thinks not voting (for the president) is a good option. If Biden could not successfully confront Netanyahu, then no Democrat can. When we go to war, and we will, no one in the U.S. is going to be “better off.” I don’t like Trump, but I think this election is hugely important. Yes, baiting American Jews is is an example of ignorance, Trump cannot resist talking “off the top of his head.” But I think I will have to vote for him. Trump will help himself if he gives us names of the people surrounding him in the White House. Please, less amateurs and more people like General H.R. McMaster.

— Audrey Armistead,