Letter to the editor — Dec. 31

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Times are looking better

As 2024 closes out during the holiday season, let us reflect and be thankful that some changes in the USA are on the way.

After a disastrous and corrupt four year Biden-Harris administration, the majority of American voters decided enough was enough. The Democrats have consistently preached that Trump and “extreme MAGA Republicans” have been a “threat to democracy.” During the lies, it’s been proven they were, and are, the threat.

The party elite and donors booted Biden and dropped in Harris without a single vote from the people. During her short campaign, Harris blew through more than $1 billion with nothing to show for it other than ending $20 million in debt. It’s mind boggling so many brain-washed voters thought she was qualified. She couldn’t even manage a campaign, much less our country.

Here’s to 2025!

— Floyd Prophet