Graduation: 2008-2009 school calendar
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
2008-2009 School Calendar for Rowan-Salisbury
School workdays (required) Aug. 18
System workdays (required) Aug. 19-20
School workday Aug. 21
Protected teacher workday Aug. 22
First day of school Aug. 25
Labor Day, no school Sept. 1*
Mid-quarter progress report Sept. 24
Protected teacher workday Oct. 27
School workday (Make-up day) Nov. 4
First report card issued Nov. 5
Veteran’s Day, no school Nov. 11
Annual leave (make-up day) Nov. 26
Thanksgiving, no school Nov. 27-28
Mid-quarter progress report Dec. 3
Christmas/Winter break (Dec 21-make-up Day) Dec. 22-Jan. 1
School workday (make-up day) Jan. 2
Students return to school Jan. 5
High school exams Jan. 14-21
Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Jan. 19
Protected teacher workday Jan. 22
School workday (make-up day) Jan. 23
Second report card issued Feb. 4
School workday (make-up day) Feb. 16
Mid-quarter progress peport Feb. 25
Protected teacher workday March 30
Spring break (Make-up days) April 6-9
Good Friday, no school April 10
Third report card issued April 15
Mid-quarter progress report May 6
Memorial Day, no school May 25
High school exams June 4-10
Last day of school June 10
School workdays June 10-12 (protected day June 11)
Graduation ceremonies TBD
Parents should expect information to come home from school with their student on report days.
Snow make-up plan: All of the following days are subject to being used for snow or inclement weather make-up. The following days on which school is not scheduled for students are not guaranteed as student holidays. Saturdays in the week event occurs; Nov. 4, Nov. 26, Jan. 2, Jan. 23, Feb. 16, April 6-9. Please take this fact into consideration when planning vacations,travel or making reservations, etc. These may be school days!
The order of use of Saturdays and designated make-up days will be determined based on the number of days missed and when days are missed and will be announced as soon as possible after an inclement weather event has ended. State law requires that all days missed due to inclement weather must be made up prior to June 10, 2008 unless the RSS Board of Education requests a waiver and is granted a waiver by the State Board of Education.
Workdays: Required system staff development days (2 days) are Aug. 19-20. The following workdays are required: Aug. 18; Oct. 27; Jan. 22; March 30 and June 11.