bojangles-efird fund

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Staff report
CHARLOTTE ó Bojangles’ Restaurants is launching an effort to help the family of an employee killed in a Dec. 28 wreck.
Through Feb. 3, restaurants in Salisbury and four other local cities will accept donations to benefit the two young children of Tammy Efird, who died in a crash on N.C. 52 near Gold Hill, the restaurant chain said in a press release.
Efird’s death left a huge void in the lives of her family, friends and co-workers, the company said.
She was the single mother of two young children, Haylee, 6, and Gauge, 3. A 1999 graduate of East Rowan High School, she had recently earned a promotion to unit director, managing the Bojangles’ Famous Chicken ‘n Biscuits at 418 W. Church St. in Richfield. Tammy had started her career with Bojangles’ at the restaurant’s Salisbury location and she had a bright future with the organization.
“The loss of Tammy has been difficult for everyone who knew her at Bojangles’. We decided the best way to honor this dedicated co-worker is to pull together to help her young children,” said Randy Kibler, Bojangles’ president and chief executive officer. “Bojangles’ Restaurants is planning to raise funds for Tammy Efird’s family by selling blue ribbon memorial cards at participating restaurants in Richfield, Salisbury, Concord, Spencer and Kannapolis.”
The Tammy Efird Memorial Fund blue ribbon cards will be available at these participating Bojangles’ locations through Feb. 3. By making a donation to the fund, customers can sign one of the cards, which will be posted in the Bojangles’ restaurant and later given to the family. Bojangles’ will contribute 100 percent of all of the money donated to a memorial fund to help Efird’s family.