Rowan resident receives President's Volunteer Service Award

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Rowan County resident will receive an award next week from President George W. Bush for her dedication to volunteering.
Lora Owen will receive the President’s Volunteer Service Award during a 10 a.m. ceremony Wednesday at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency office at 2727 Old Concord Road.
Keith Weatherly, the Agriculture Department’s state executive director, said in a news release the award “is this nation’s highest honor given to volunteers. It will be my honor, on behalf of President Bush, to present Lora with this distinguished award.”
President Bush visited Greensboro recently to present the same recognition to a volunteer.
Owen, an Agriculture Department employee, is being recognized for her volunteer service to Faithful Friends Animal Sanctuary, Rowan Helping Ministries and Bethel Lutheran Church. Organization representatives will speak at the ceremony.
The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals, families, and groups who have achieved a certain standard measured by the number of volunteer hours served over a 12-month period or cumulative hours earned over the course of a lifetime, the news release said.