Sign up for the second (brr) Polar Plunge

Published 12:00 am Sunday, January 25, 2015

Special Olympics Rowan County double dog dares you to join them

Special Olympics Rowan County will host the second Polar Plunge on Saturday, March 14 to be held at Elks River Park on Long Ferry Road.

Participants may jump as an individual or as a team. All are welcome to fundraise and come show their support.

All proceeds raised for plunging go to the Special Olympics of Rowan County. There will be food, a deejay, a bonfire and giveaways.

The event will begin at noon and go until 3 p.m. The actual plunge happens at 1 p.m. for adults and 1:15 p.m. for kids.


Plunge Day Schedule

Noon—12:30 p.m. – Check in and Plunge Day Registration (long sleeve T-shirt guaranteed for those pre-registered only. Deadline for preregistration is Feb. 21).

12:45 p.m. – Costume contest (under the main tent).

1 p.m. – The Plunge!

1:30 p.m. – Little Bit Plunge! Kids 10 and under.

2 p.m. – Post-Plunge Party with food, a bonfire and awards.


Double Dog Dare School Challenge

You can take the dare and plunge into the chilly lake, all while earning community service credit and the potential to win the Top Dog Traveling Trophy. Currently RCCC owns the honor.



— Best costume male and female adult and child (17 and under).

— Organization and school with the most jumpers (traveling trophy).

— Organization and school who raises the most money (traveling trophy).

— Individual who raises the most money.

— “Little Bit” (kid 10 and under) who raises the most money.


Start Fundraising today at: rowancountypolarplunge

(minimum $25 per individual to take the plunge)

Address to Elks River Park: Long Ferry Road Salisbury, at exit 81 off I-85.

For sign-up information:

Contact Jay Taylor at 704-654-6892 or or Jesse Byrd at  704-636-0111 or




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