Letters to the editor — Tuesday (3-4-2014)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Regarding the situation with motorists talking and texting on cell phones while driving, not only is there a problem with cell phones but also netbook and tablet computers. Some drivers lay these on the steering wheel and use both hands to punch the buttons. Unless those drivers have a second pair of hands, what is holding and navigating the steering wheel to keep the car from crossing the center line or heading for a ditch?
Do these drivers ever use their common sense while operating a motor vehicle on the highway? Our lives are already at risk every time we get on the highway because of drunken drivers, drug heads, road hogs and the like. It makes you wonder how some drivers passed the licensing tests.
Nothing, including cell phone conversations or computer use, is so important that a driver has to endanger their own life and everyone else’s on the highway. The use of cell phones, computers and other distractions from driving can wait until the vehicle has come to a complete stop and the driver is no longer behind the wheel.
Motor vehicle operators should have their undivided attention on the highway and driving. If they did, we would have fewer accidents and fatalities.
The current warning is “don’t drink and drive.” Maybe it should be upgraded so that drivers “don’t yak and peck.”
— Ellie Mae Lambert
To the generous couple who brought fabrics to Haven Lutheran Church quilters on Tuesday: Please accept my apology for not getting your names. I think I was so overwhelmed that my mind went blank temporarily.
Please call the church and leave a message for me with your name and number so I can properly acknowledge your wonderful donation.
We depend on thoughtful, caring folks like you to help us continue to make quilts for those in need.
— Joyce Heilig