Letters to the editor — Friday (3-6-15)

Published 6:05 am Friday, March 6, 2015

Who will lead Rowan County Republicans?

OK, Salisbury and Rowan County, this is a call to action. This Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., the Republican Party of Rowan County will be holding its 2015 County Convention at the county commissioners’ chambers at 130 W. Innes St. in Salisbury.

The word on the street is that Jim Sides is rallying troops to help vote in his own slate of backward-looking and backward-thinking leadership. We worked too hard as a community to come together to tell Jim Sides and his ilk that time and Rowan County have passed them by. He needs to fade quietly into the background and let people that want to move Rowan County forward be in charge.

If you are a registered Republican, please make every effort to attend to support Harry Warren and the slate of excellent candidates that he is backing. Let’s do this, Rowan County!

— Gregory Shields


Don’t allow recusal

Where does it stop? In the Sunday Post, under Week in review, question 7, “A bill co-sponsored by state Sen. Andrew Brock R. Davie, would give magistrates and register of deeds the option to do what?”

Answer: “To recuse themselves because of religious beliefs, from having to issues certain marriage licenses.”

If you work for any form of government, leave your religious beliefs at the door before you clock in. May I remind all of who work in public offices of any kind you are being paid on my dollar. If you don’t understand that, my tax dollars pay your salary and all your benefits.

So keep your opinions to yourself and do the job I am paying you do with my tax dollars and all the tax payers.

— Linda S. Efird
