Letters to the editor
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 18, 2015
In case you missed it, here’s a gem of a quote
I have just read Doug Creamer’s encouraging column, “Live for today” (March 14 Post) and want to encourage anyone that might have missed it to go back, find and read. I plan to do what my mother did so many times — clip and save it.
The opening sentence, which was not the meat of the article, turned on my sense of humor. A quote surfaced that I want to share:
“Daylight saving time is another way our government has of making us believe if you want a longer blanket, you just need to cut a piece from the top, sew it to the bottom and, voila, you have it.”
— Donna Kesler
A dog guy speaks up
The writer is responding to a March 11 story, “Marine veteran loses service dog to hit-and-run car accident.”
Andy Eury, I share your pain. I’ve been around dogs all my life. I’ve taken about 15 dogs into my life and they’ve enriched my existence. And I know that losing a dog is an unique kind of sadness that can be intense.
I’m a dog guy, and I learned to accept it. There are thousands of dogs and cats that desperately need a good home, and I’ve always provided a home as well and often as I can. The dog gods blessed me with the dog I have now. She is a barrel of monkeys.
I live just around the corner from where your dog was hit, and I know how dangerous and inconsiderate many of the drivers in this area can be. Certainly the driver that hit your dog saw you and knew you were crossing the street. That lowlife did not try to avoid hurting your dog, Briggs….. I won’t elaborate at this point. My evaluation of that person is very hostile.
The bottom line is this: I think I can encourage you to see the tragedy as a part of being a dog guy and accept it with less distress.
I would also like to thank you very much for your service to our country.
— J. Michael Wilson