Possible military maneuvers mistaken for plane crash
Published 1:39 pm Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Emergency responders were sent out to an area near Bringle Ferry Road today for what they initially believed to be an airplane crash.
“The 911 Communications Center received two phone calls of a low-flying plane near tree level in the 11000 block of Bringle Ferry Road,” said Frank Thomason, chief of emergency services.
Thomason said emergency officials had a confirmation after the fact of a plane that matched the description of the original two calls. The plane flew through and over the area at High Rock Dam at an area of Tuckertown Lake.
Communications officials said the plane turned out to be a military plane conducting maneuvers over the water. However, Thomason said emergency responders at the scene were not able to confirm it was a military plane.
The incident was reported sometime after 1 p.m. at 11200 Bringle Ferry Road over Tuckertown Lake, but crews were called off several minutes later. A fire crew and a N.C. Highway Patrol helicopter still responded to check the area, just in case.
Thomason said because the initial calls came in as a plane flying low, the incident was treated as a possible plane crash. The standard response is to send units to the scene, he said, but “when it became apparent it was more than likely an unfounded call, we began to cancel units.”