Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 26, 2015

Common Mistakes

When asked what some of the most common mistakes are that players make, Bill Wisdom said first, players try to play too many conventions before learning the basics.  Second, be sure to count your hand correctly and consistently. Do you count length and shortness as part of opening count or not?  Be sure your partner knows and does the same. Third, during play, remember how the bidding went during the auction. By estimating opponents’ strength, you can make an educated guess where the key cards are most likely lying so you have a higher chance of making the needed tricks or defeating the contract.

Be consistent, follow the agreed upon rules and conventions you and your partner play and never lie to your partner.  The best rule is the KISS rule (Keep It Simple Silly).

On Friday April 17 our winners at the Evergreen game: 1st Pat Featherston and Dick Brisbin, 2nd Patty King and Loyd Hill, 3rd Stella Shadroui and BettyBonner Steele, tied for 4th, 5th, 6th Christy Cline and Fern Albracht, Chuck and Margaret Rimer, Marie Pugh and Ruth Bowles.

Featured is hand #23 from the April 17 game


S  8

H  J 6 3

D  Q T 9 7 4 2

C  K 9 3


WEST:              EAST:

S  Q T 9 4         S  A J 5 2

H  T 4               H A Q 9 8 5

D  A J 3            D  5

C  Q T 7 6          C  8 4 2



S  K 7 6 3

H  K 7 2

D  K 8 6

C  A J 5


Marie Pugh and Ruth Bowles had the best N/S score bidding 1NS making 4,while Pat Featherston and Dick Brisbin scored  best E/W playing 2HE making 3.

Tuesday April 21 Women’s Club game winners: 1st Pat Macon and Myrnie McLaughlin, 2nd Tom Johnson and Nancy Brandt.

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