Spencer board to review proposed grant program for residential improvements

Published 12:05 am Monday, May 11, 2015

By David Purtell


Spencer’s Board of Aldermen will review a proposed grant program t0 encourage improvements to residential facades in the town’s historic district.

The grant is meant to foster neighborhood revitalization and includes up to $500 in reimbursements for property owners or tenants who qualify. After facade improvements have been finished, applicants could request $1 in reimbursements for every $2 spent on renovations.

Individual properties could be awarded the grant once every five years. The Board of Aldermen would have final say in all grant approvals.

The board will also review a contract with a consulting firm regarding the town’s and East Spencer’s Comprehensive Bike and Pedestrian Plan. The towns, together, were awarded a grant from the state last year for bike and pedestrian planning.

The contract is with a planning firm called Stewart, Inc. and totals $40,000. The grant is worth up to $40,000 with a 10 percent match. Spencer will pay the $4,000 match, and East Spencer will reimburse Spencer $2,000.

The planning process will include meetings between Stewart and the grant’s steering committee and also public open houses. The first open house is tentatively scheduled for May 28 at at 5:30 p.m at Spencer’s 8th Street Park.

In other business Tuesday, the board will:

• Set a date for the public hearing for the town’s 2015-2016 fiscal year budget. The proposed date is June 9 at the regular board meeting.

• Review budget amendments, which are all balanced, for the current fiscal year.

• Review an agreement with NCDOT to install a sign on southbound Interstate 85 indicating “Spencer next 3 exits.” The cost of the sign and installation is $1,800. The exits are 79, 81 and 84.

Contact Reporter David Purtell at 704-797-4264.