Letters to the editor (6-24-2014)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 24, 2014
As summer approaches and students get out of school, many young people and families are left without a consistent source of nutritious food, productive activities and child care in a safe and nurturing environment. While many of us are in a generous, charitable frame of mind during the holiday season, it is not enough. We frequently forget how many of our socioeconomically disadvantaged and working poor struggle on a daily basis for mere survival.
Working at Rowan Vocational Opportunities, Inc., which is one of 15 Rowan County United Way agencies, I am constantly reminded that there are many individuals and families that have human service needs throughout the year. When we recognize and engage in sharing our financial gifts, volunteer service and support, we provide hope and opportunities for our citizens that are burdened by the current economic and social problems in our communities.
Managed by a small, dedicated staff, the local Rowan County United Way doesn’t just address the symptoms of problems but works collaboratively with its agencies to eliminate the root cause. The staff, board of directors and campaign leadership work tirelessly to make sure that our stewardship is appreciated, respected and utilized in the most efficient, reliable and responsible manner possible. This commitment by the staff, local volunteers and contributors serves as a catalyst for providing services to some or our most vulnerable citizens.
Please be mindful that the United Way’s member agencies are making a difference year round. Lives are touched. Hope is rekindled, and change becomes possible. As we share our resources and time, this helps individuals and families achieve success through education, job opportunities and healthy lives.
“Raised Here. Stays Here” is more than just a cliche or phrase. It is a shining example of the culture and tradition that makes Salisbury and all the communities in Rowan County such a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family.
— Wilson R. Cherry
Wilson Cherry serves as the special projects coordinator for Rowan Vocational Opportunities, Inc.
The obvious thing to do, if you get a call purporting to be from the IRS, is to tell them your hard drive crashed and you don’t have a backup. Hey, it’s working for Lois Lerner and at least six “rogue” agents. Not to mention the rude, arrogant current IRS commissioner in his testimony before Congress. As our esteemed president said, there’s “not a smidgen of corruption.” He must have thought he was Jimmy Stewart in “It’s a Wonderful Life.”
— Jeff Vail
Regarding responses to a previous letter, I feel like I’m dealing with professional arguers. I think they must have a set of encyclopedias in their trunks.
While a member of the Illinois state Senate, Obama voted four times against the born-alive infant protection act, which ensures protection for babies who are born alive following late-term abortions. If he had his way, a living baby with no protection could be killed by the unsuccessful doctor. God only knows how many babies would have died over the years.
If there is going to be a response, I hope it will be better than your last. Maybe you should just blame everything on Eisenhower.
— Delmar McDaniel