What online readers say about……

Published 12:15 am Friday, June 5, 2015

Don’t spend our tax money on prayer lawsuit

Starting events with so-called Christian prayers does not mean that people supervising such activities are Christian. It’s the Christ-like behavior of individuals, not doctrinal or proselytizing rhetoric, that characterizes Christians. This is one of the reasons that there must be a separation of church and state.

— Reginald Brown

It has serious economic consequences for the citizens, for the county, for businesses already here, for businesses looking to brings jobs here. It’s the perception that county leaders are spending their time on what should be a non-issue, that their priorities aren’t for the economic health of the county, that working with business isn’t a priority, but rather making sure that they personally, acting in their official capacity, can pray at meetings instead of recognizing the diverse community we live in.

— Greg Page

… Commissioners vote to appeal prayer ruling

We elected five commissioners, all strongly of one political/religious entity, to which they were all faithful yesterday, likely believing that faithfulness was for God. I was surprised only by Klusman’s vote. …

Between public comment and board member comments, we heard about Ben Franklin, WWJD, gays, atheists (which meant anyone against this appeal), and respect for all religions, which was likely spoken in sincerity by those who voiced it, but meaningless, and even contrary, to the official decision.

Edds conducted the meeting with respect and professionalism and kept the audience from the amen-ing, applauding, and boo-ing circus of some similar past meetings.

— Kathy Vestal

When individuals stand up for their rights, as our commissioners did here, they are standing up for everyone’s rights. Liberals don’t seem to understand this; they believe that our “rights” come from judges (usually liberal ones) and the rest of the federal government. They believe that these alone have the power to decide what constitutes our “rights,” and when these “rights” are issued or revoked. And since they don’t even understand what the word “rights” mean, or where they come from, they see no need to defend them.

— Steve Pender

The Rowan County commissioners do not seem to understand the spirit of the First Amendment. The religious freedom protection is not for the expression of religious beliefs or rituals by government officials; rather it is to protect the individual citizens who may in good faith differ philosophically from those officials before whom they are attempting to bring a case of public business. …

The only rights being violated are of those who are forced to stand for something in which they do not believe, or to single themselves out in a negative way by remaining seated or leaving the room, thereby prejudicing any business they may be bringing before the public body.

— Jeff Saleeby

There is precious little new under the sun… In Salisbury, being churched is good for business and good for the politically ambitious. …

So what is next? Somehow all of the public display of piousness seems to have an agenda. To not participate does indeed single folks out. I do not want any invocation from any denomination, as I believe that your prayer display reeks of politics. … All of the time wasted on this issue is shameful.

—Marilyn Harrison

I pray every day of my life. … Wake up, sheeple!   A storm is heading to the USA, and please pray for the entire world! Going to the Supreme Court is not difficult at all; I can type the papers myself.

Praise God Almighty and, yes,  Rowan County, this is definitely for show and tell. I know prayer is necessary; when God is kicked out the door He will indeed slam the window shut. I only hope the Supreme Court will rule in their favor.

— Robin Ruppe

All they’ve done is further highlight how little they understand the amendment they cite.

— Kevin Spruill

If you listen very, very closely, you may be able to hear laughter from a little man at the wheel of a multi-bumper-stickered truck.

— Mack Williams

The irony here is that all of these comments, for and against, are putting freedom of speech into action. That, folks, is something that should bond us together. Let’s not miss that.

—Pete Bogle

I am most disappointed with Judy Klusman, whose opinion on this subject I asked for during her campaign. … I can only “quote” the gist of her response, which was that the commissioners should follow the court’s decision and refrain from the practice of opening meetings with Christian only prayer.

A great number of people voted in these new commissioners hoping for a change from the old “I know what’s best for you Rowan citizens” Side-show of the past.

— Joanne Stewart

What would be wrong with ending the prayer with “in the name of your god and my god,” amen? This way all of Rowan County’s citizens are included. See, you can still pray and no one will be against you. Problem solved.

— Louis Bodak

So sad. Thought we voted in some county commissioners who respected the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Guess I was wrong. We need jobs,not more waste of money.

— Natalie Errante

What has happened has happened and there is nothing that can be done until next year. I just talked to a friend in the IT business that has been trying to sell a bunch of IT guys on Rowan-Salisbury/Fibrant when this hit the Observer, and it was a major setback.

Instead of complaining and protesting, I have decided that we have to play the hand we have been dealt and try to move past this. Please, please, Salisbury-Rowan public officials, don’t embarrass us anymore. Young, successful businessmen and businesswomen are not impressed with prayer lawsuits and discrimination against gays.

— Todd Paris