Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 14, 2015

Defensive discards and sluffs

Discussion of defensive play is often overlooked.

Most of us want to shine by being declarer. We feel it is more fun. However defending a contract can be as exciting and is very important to final placement. Discarding and sluffing can be valuable signals to partner in how to proceed with play. By following suit to partner’s opening lead discarding a card larger than 6 you urge a repeat of that suit, but less than 6 you are discouraging that suit.

But suppose the opening lead shows dummy to have a singleton in that suit, and any further lead of that suit will be trumped, then you must choose a discard that tells partner which other suit you prefer to be led next.

A high card discard says play the higher of the other suits while a low card asks for the lower of the other suits.

Further, if on any seceding lead you can’t follow suit, sluff a high card in the suit you prefer or a discouraging low card in another suit signaling a lead in any of the other suits.

You will need to think, to infer what the other suits are, remember how the bidding went and count your cards in the suit and add that number to those visible in dummy. You and partner must be on the same page to make these signs work. Much practice is needed.

Winners at our Evergreen Club Championship game Friday, June 5: First, Maggie Canup and Stella Shadroui; second, Pat Featherston and Dick Brisbin; third, Myrnie and John McLaughlin; fourth, Marie Pugh and Ruth Bowles.

Featured is board # 3   from the June 5 game

E/W vulnerable, South dealer


S  A

H  Q J T 9

D  J 9

A J 9 76 3

WEST:                 EAST:

S  K  J 6               S  QT98754

H  7 2                   H  8 6 4 3

D AKT7652         D  —

C  8                      C  K Q


S  3 2

H  A K 5

D  Q 8 4 3

C  T 5 4 2

Winners at our Tuesday, June 9 Charity Women’s Club game were: First, Wade Lowder and Georgia Sorensen; second, Nancy Brandt and John McLaughlin; and tied for third/fourth Carol and Harold Winecoff with Judy Hurder and Myrnie McLaughlin.

We will have a Junior Fund game on Friday, June 19. Extra points are awarded.



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