County to consider 2016 budget on Monday
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 14, 2015
Rowan Commissioners could approve the fiscal year 2016 budget on Monday during their regularly scheduled meeting.
Rowan County Commissioners will have a budget work session as part of their meeting at 6 p.m. Monday in the county administration building — 130 West Innes Street. Commissioners must approve a budget by July 1 — the start of the 2016 fiscal year. Commissioners are also scheduled to consider approval of budget ordinances, which lay out expenditures for the coming year. A majority of Rowan County’s expenses come through the general fund budget ordinance, but ordinances also exist for the landfill, fire district taxes, airport, risk management fund and emergency telephone system.
The budget up for consideration is slightly changed from previous versions. As a result, an additional $175,713 would be taken out of the county’s fund balance — partially a savings account — to balance the budget. Suggestions that have been added include $77,663 for a county grant writer position, $27,500 for new software at the Rowan County Animal Shelter, $15,000 for extended hours at the shelter, $20,000 to help with development at East Spencer’s Royal giants Park, about $12,000 for reclassifying several sheriff’s deputies and $10,000 for stab proof vests.
A custodial position at the landfill is also included in the updated budget but wouldn’t add additional expenses. The landfill is classified as an enterprise fund, meaning that expenses are 100 percent funded by revenues.
The new additions are a result of suggestions made during the county’s previous budget workshop and the Animal Shelter Task Force. The additions aren’t significant enough to warrant any sort of tax increase, according to County Manager Aaron Church. The currently proposed tax rate is 66.25 cents per $100. It’s a slight rate increase — 1.25 cents per $100 — from the current year, but is considered to be revenue neutral.
With the additions, the county will appropriate a total of $8.1 million from its fund balance to balance the fiscal year 2016 budget. The fund balance amount is in line with what the county has typically appropriated. Since 2010, the county has appropriated between $6.5 million and $8 million. The exception was in 2010, when the county appropriated more than $10 million from the fund balance, which may be a result of county commissioners choosing to spend the fund balance during the recession instead of raising taxes.
Church said a majority of the appropriated fund balance amount for the 2016 fiscal year will not be spent, but must be budgeted to show revenues equalling expenditures. He cited about 30 vacant positions as one example of a cost that may be spent. Traditionally, Rowan County spends about 95 percent of its budgeted amount, Church said.
The county’s total budget for the 2016 fiscal year is $138.26 million. The Rowan-Salisbury School System is budgeted to receive the largest single amount of any agency or department at $35.44 million. The Sheriff’s Office is second at $14.86 million.
For the first time ever, Rowan County Animal Control, which includes the shelter, is projected to have a budget that exceeds $1 million.
Fire district taxes in Rowan County’s budget ordinance remain unchanged from what county departments have requested. County commissioners, however, have proposed capping the tax to help boost economic development.
Other items scheduled for consideration during Monday’s meeting include:
• A public hearing for an ordinance change that would allow alcohol during special events at West End Plaza.
Beer and wine sales would be allowed at special events and gathering approved by the board of commissioners, according to the proposal drafted by Commissioner Craig Pierce. A request would have to be received 30 days before the event date, according to Pierce’s proposal.
Currently, alcohol isn’t allowed on any county property.
West End Plaza, formerly the Salisbury mall, became county property shortly after commissioners voted to purchase the facility in December 2013.
In addition to the ordinance change, Church would also draft a policy for alcohol sales and consumption at special events.
• Granting Rowan WORKS Economic Development use of the former JC Penney building in the West End Plaza for a job fair.
It would be a one-day event, and held on June 23rd.
Contact reporter Josh Bergeron at 704-797-4246