Student artwork on display in Spencer

Published 12:45 pm Friday, June 26, 2015

Town of Spencer

The town of Spencer recently partnered with North Rowan Elementary School to bring some colorful and creative artwork to the storefronts of downtown Spencer.

Art teacher Charmaine Bundrock asked her fourth grade art students to prepare pieces about transportation and trains in celebration of National Train Day. The art was so well-received that the Promotions Committee of the Small Town Main Street program for Spencer asked business owners to leave the artwork up just a little longer.

Supplies in support of the downtown artwork were purchased using donations from the Town of
Spencer and The Spencer Partnership.

Artwork will remain on display through July 3 in the 300, 400, and 500 blocks of South
Salisbury Avenue and along 5th Street in downtown Spencer, immediately across the street from
the N.C. Transportation Museum.

For more information about the Town of Spencer, visit the town’s website at or contact Kathryn Clifton, land management director for the town at 704-633-2231 or