Letters to the editor — Thursday (8-7-14)
Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 7, 2014
Thoughts on Iran, China, immigration and more
We are not the world’s police force. Muslims have been killing each other since Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael.
Bring all of our troops and equipment home from any Muslim country in the world. Give them copious time off with their families.
Why has Obama proposed to give Iran $8 billion in sanctions relief to get them to tone down their nuclear enrichment program?
What country in the world holds almost 75 percent of our national debt and also has the world’s largest standing army? Do you want your children to be forced to learn Chinese in their school curriculum?
Station the National Guard or full-time troops all the way from San Diego, Calif., to Florida to stop or at least slow down the invasion from all points south of the border. Send all illegal aliens, children included, back to about 500 miles from where they came from and maybe it will take a couple of hours longer before crossing our border again. I do not want my tax dollars supporting any of them for WIC, welfare, Medicaid, Medicare or any level of Social Security benefits. They need to try to better their lives elsewhere, not at our expense.
All bleeding heart liberals need to sit down, shut up and quit trying to influence and run my life.
Israel, as in Israelites, have been God’s chosen people for centuries. Do not mess with them. They bite.
Leave Putin alone. Get in bed with Russia; develop the natural resources in Siberia and make Russia our back-door ally next to China. China would be less likely to do something stupid knowing Russian ICBMs were real close to them.
Gee, did I hurt your feelings? Too bad. Two Purple Hearts in Vietnam for moving too slow and a total of 31 years of varied fields of law enforcement experience pretty much gives me that right.
— Bill Lentz
Virus could be terrorist tool
Terrorists, let us do your work.
Everyone knows that terrorists have been wanting for years to get an infectious disease into this country. Don’t worry, the United States has solved that problem. They willingly brought the Ebola virus into the country.
Now all the terrorists have to do is make sure Ebola escapes the confines of the hospital. One terrorist sympathizer on the staff, maintenance, food service, hospital employees or doctors can make sure it gets out of control.
Great job, U.S.A.
— Tony Morgan