Hardin makes run for Salisbury City Council

Published 12:10 am Monday, July 13, 2015

By Josh Bergeron 


Ken Hardin, the first person to announce his candidacy for Salisbury’s City Council, officially filed for the race last week.

Hardin, 50, has been active in advocating for the revitalization of Salisbury’s West End neighborhood. He’s a health care consultant and U.S. Air Force veteran. In his bid for the Salisbury City Council, Hardin says he doesn’t want to be seen as the “black candidate” or one who’s only concerned about issues pertaining to Salisbury’s black community.

“As every community feels valued, respected and part of the process, then the entire city grows and prospers,” Hardin said. “I want to be an integral part of a strong team that can make this a reality.”

In a list of priorities, Hardin included: increasing the transparency of city government, build partnerships with the business community, position Salisbury as a place where young people want to remain after high school and college, encourage unconventional strategies to lower crime.

Hardin joined the Air Force in 1984, and served six years. Afterward, he worked for the N0rth Carolina Division of Prisons as a disciplinary investigation officer.

He earned a bachelor’s degree in communications studies from Pfeiffer University in 1999, graduating magna cum laude. He’s worked for a number of health care organizations in North Carolina and other states.

Hardin is a member of the Salisbury-Rowan NAACP and active with The Chamber community group. He also participates in Nightcrawlers, Man Up Monday and the YMCA Black Achievers.

Hardin and his wife have three sons and live in Salisbury.

Contact reporter Josh Bergeron at 704-797-4246