Political notebook: ‘Deez Nuts’ gets favorable rating in polls
Published 12:02 am Saturday, August 22, 2015
A 15-year-old kid using a fake name polled at 9 percent in the most recent presidential race survey by Raleigh-based Public Policy Polling.
In a race between businessman Donald Trump and politician Hillary Clinton, independent candidate Deez Nuts polled at 9 percent. Trump polled at 40 percent and Clinton had 38 percent. Deez Nuts got the most support in Internet polls, where he received 18 percent of the vote. In the 704 area code, Deez Nuts received 8 percent of the vote.
Public Policy Polling released the survey on Wednesday. A total of 957 North Carolina voters were polled.
The story of Deez Nuts’ success in the poll quickly made its way into multiple online publications. It was quickly trending worldwide on Twitter. The name was too comical to be true. In fact, it wasn’t.
Deez Nuts is a 15-year-old kid from Iowa named Brady Olson, who filed to run for President of the United States on July 26.
Olson’s fake name in his quest for president joins dozens of others, such as Buddy the Cat, Jack Sparrow and Sydney’s Voluptuous Buttocks.
There’s a few problems with Deez Nuts’ quest for president. Perhaps foremost is the requirement that candidates be at least 35 years old to take office.
The poll also judged presidential candidates seriously, and showed politician Hillary Clinton leading with 38 percent, Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush in second with 28 percent and businessman Donald Trump essentially tied for second with 27 percent.
McCrory invites softball team to governor’s mansion
It may not have been on official letterhead, but Gov. Pat McCrory invited the Rowan Little League softball team to the governor’s mansion this week after the team won the World Series.
Rowan beat a team from Rhode Island by a count of 4-2.
Shortly after the win, McCrory, referencing the game, said on Facebook: “I hope to see you all at the executive mansion soon.”
On Twitter, McCrory said: “This Rowan County team is welcome to visit the mansion anytime.”
Sounds like an official invite to me.
Final budget number reached
McCrory this week announced he and state legislators had reached an agreement on a final spending amount — $21.735 billion — for the state’s budget.
The number is a 3.1 percent increase over the previous fiscal year. It’s close to the budget proposed by the Senate and McCrory. The House had proposed a higher percentage increase.
The proposal still requires leaders to decide exact details of spending.
As a part of discussion, the house will have to cut about $415 million from its original proposal.
The legislature has a self-imposed deadline of Aug. 31 to decide on a permanent budget.
Adams will visit East Spencer, Salisbury
As members of Congress travel their districts during the August congressional recess, Rep. Alma Adams, D-12, has scheduled a trip to Salisbury next week.
Adams’ visit will be Tuesday at multiple sites in Rowan County. First on her schedule is a 10 a.m. visit to her East Spencer satellite office — 105 South Long Street. Adams’ satellite office in East Spencer is also the town hall.
Next, she is scheduled to visit her Salisbury office at 11:30 a.m.
At both sites, she is scheduled to have coffee with attendees.
Adams’ day in Salisbury wraps up with a 2 p.m. visit to Boral Composites Inc., a coal ash plant recycling center.
Contact reporter Josh Bergeron at 704-797-4246.